in dream land, in dream land ah ahhh ah ah...

i keep having travel dreams.  this one we were waiting for a bus and we were so excited when it pulled up to see that it had a big bedroom on top.  it had 2 double beds and karey and i got to stay in it.  the bus driver gave karey a key and said "now you are a steward of all the stuff.".  it was another really old fashioned bus.  retro bus if you will

the second dream i was at a big a convention in a vast hall.  i was there with tracy from church and another lady who was our boss.  we were helping get the tables and chairs in order and the boss wanted us to pull our chairs out with the char edges all touching and all at the same time.  my chair was white.  i wandered down a ways from our table while i was waiting for the meeting to start.  i sat on an armchair and swung my feet.  a man with his hands in his pockets asked me "is it doug or douglas? "  "douglas frank." i said.  "ahaaa." he said.  then i wondered to myself why i said that.  douglas frank?  i kept thinking about it and realized it was doug clarke insurance and then i wondered how that guy knew i was a clarke.  then i woke up.


Jeannie said…