
i went to bed at nine last night.  i had this big plan to go to bed early and get up early and get to work early so i could wrap my brain around the edits of articles and pictures that need to be done.  because yesterday i could not do it. and i was going to stay late but i knew that i was in no state to make any headway.  i woke up at 2:30 with the idea of naming it 'the scoop!'.  but i couldn't go back to sleep because i could only breath through one nostril.  that's like breathing through a straw.  so i'm up.  i wouldn't say my brain is rejuvenated but i'll do the best i can. i've already done my scripture study.  izzy's a pool of warmth on my legs.  i'm laying propped up on the couch and my eyes would like to have another go at sleep.

i had some inspiration though.  i want a pineapple ginger smoothie. with lime.  sweet, sour and spicy. freshhhh.  yeah add some tumeric honey and some cayenne. yes.  maybe i'll make it later.  i have everything but the lime.  i think the lime is pretty key though.

i am studying in enos right now.  enos had good words.  like 'and my soul hungered'.  i think we all have a hungry soul sometimes.  i personally am becoming more aware of this.  sometimes i don't realize that i'm starving.  i'm good at ignoring my hunger pangs.  too good.  starving people can do desperate things. there are all sorts of ways to be starved.  starved for connection, for fulfillment for spiritual food, for attention, for knowledge, for just love.  God promises to give us freely all the goodness that can fill us up with joy.  i feel like this is a lesson i never quite fully learn.  but i'm trying to.  let your soul delight in fatness.  below is a mash up of 3 scriptures that i read this morning.  enos 1:4, 3 nephi 12:6 and 2 nephi 9:51

"And my soul hungered; And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. ..come unto the Holy One of Israel, and feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted, and let your soul delight in fatness. ..and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication"

the constant need for nourishment of body and soul.  the free access of feast and fatness.  nobody gives more abundantly than that Father.  windows of heaven.  no room to receive.  feasts. 

if you know a single guy that delights in fatness...let me know.  wink wink


Jeannie said…
Amen, and amen . Seems I unintentionally always miss the good ones. Thanks for sharing. I love it. I love fat. . And I love salt too. I too want a very obese soul. I'm keeping my eye out for a fat lovin' guy for you. When I taught Seminary we talked about having an anorexic soul. Hmmmmmm Wonder what kind of teenage daughters I had?