and also too

sunday i had ward council and i was late but i did go and that my dear fellow, does count. *nose pat*

 at church i had more epiphanies about trusting in God.  "ohhh!" i said to myself "faith! gotcha."  that's not exactly how it happened but i don't remember exactly.  i just remember suddenly seeing everything differently and how faith makes things just look like a whole different beast if you will, and kind of like, what's your deal laura?  chill out.  everything will be ok.  and that's not exactly how it was either but like it was almost a week ago and i can't say exactly how it was except to say that i remembered what i had forgotten.  God can do anything.  i just have to do my little part and don't worry about anything else.  the big heavy things--that's his job and he can do it no prob bob.  and maybe ask him for help when you feel like a discouraged debbie in the dark. 

also i had a nap which is super rare these days. 

also choir.  tracy and melissa have started to come to stake choir and that's super fun.

also snow started on our ride back home.

also the roeder's cat jett passed away so bro roeder gave me a cat bed and scratchy thing after choir.
