brownie points

yesterday i was making my way through the crowd of after church minglers in the foyer and just before the door out, (my goal), the clumps of chatty patty hartfords (may she rest in peace) parted and there was brother roeder sitting at a table with a bucket of 2 bite brownies and a chart.  "what is this?" i ask, proverbial eyebrow raised, "you did your indexing, right?" he said and pointed at the hand written sign taped the wall above him.  it read "brownie points".  "well i haven't done any in november" i said reluctantly, eyeing the brownies with regret.  "next week!" says brother roeder in his way. you better believe i did some indexing yesterday.  that's the motivating power of 2 bite brownies.

evelyn had surgery to get her appendix out a couple of days ago so she was at home recuperating and i went to choir solo.  sister subkowitz (phonetical spelling) is so serious about her baking for the choir that when she forgot her apple muffins she sent her husband home to get them.  every week without fail there is a baked good for us to nibble on, on our way in or way out of choir.  one week when she was getting over some illness she had dark chocolate chocolate bars for us.  that was the only week i didn't partake.  i do not swoon over dark chocolate as some do.  i step past it and give milk chocolate a big hug and kiss.  anyways i sat next to the sweet eve burghart and she was sitting next to the lovely melissa green and next to her was cindy and the new lady who is married to a long time bass guy sat in front.  i don't know her name yet but she is very good and i wanted her to be sitting beside me.  her and i are doing the lower split on one of our songs.  ev is too but she wasn't there.  we are getting down and serious with our christmas songs now.  one of our songs, rise up shepherd and follow is a gospel type song and that is so fun to sing.  the altos have this low low follow ow ow swing part.  i love the work of choir.  it's such good work.  and i love getting deep into songs celebrating Christ.  i was talking to katie after choir.  she is in her stake's choir which i doing the messaiah.  she said she got to sing the halleluja chorus last night.  i said when we sang that i could barely keep from crying at the king of king and lord of lords part.  she said the same thing happens to her.  being in the middle of all those voices and parts all singing that with such power.  wow.  that is a beautiful moment. long live the stake choir and the opportunity to worship and praise in that way.

last night when i knelt to pray i reflected on my day and what i saw was this: renewal and refreshing of my heart, my faith, my hope and my spirits.  what a difference a day can make.  i'm so thankful for sundays and the practice of trying to keep it a special day dedicated to spiritual things.  i'm grateful for church, for my calling, for the ordinance of the sacrament, for opportunities to serve and to testify.  it's all such good stuff for my inner world.


Jeannie said…
Hey, was that a barking owl? Feel the same about the Sabbath. Sabbathday well-kept reading and pondering the scriptures and praying all feed the spirit
Jeannie said…
And we really need healthy strong spirituality to survive these difficult days. And I feel choirs are like Zion. Because our voices are all United. Like we need to be to achieve the Zion
Jeannie said…
And we bless and carry each other and are buoyed up by each other's strengths. Like together we can be almost perfect.
Jeannie said…
And I can be in the choir even if I'm so imperfect I have to mouth parts it. And if I keep trying long enough I eventually may even get it. So the whole process reminds me of the atonement.