to be known by shawerma guys

yesterday i was consumed with the printing of the christmas party tickets.  i wanted professional legit looking ones.  we used  i really like that site.  i also made my resume there. check it out.  anyways thanks to david's help we made awesome tickets.  look at them here!  i don't know why but i'm inordinately proud of those tickets.  it was hard to leave to go eat lunch.  when i went up to the dining room i sat at the window table with my back facing the dining room which was a mistake because michael wu kept talking to me from across the dining room and i had to answer him over my shoulder.  haha.  i was disappointed in the pasta that they served.  i'm worried that now that i'm gone no one is going to care about the quality and taste of the food.  that sounds obnoxious and arrogant maybe.  but i cared so much about that and i made sure to the best i could that we didn't serve anything that wasn't delish.  but the pasta yesterday... was dry because there was  way too much pasta to to sauce ratio and so it was flavourless basically.  i had a talk with janine about it.  the practical issues involved and so on.  but even in doing so i felt like i was sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong.  sigh.  it continues to be so hard to let go.

it helps being immersed in new projects.  i'm also consumed with designing the christmas card that send out.  each year it is a group photo and not a great group photo.  i never like it.  and it just looks all interchangable.  why do a new one?  you know?  so this year i was thinking about it and literally in the middle of my bedtime prayer i had this idea to take individual headshots of people and putting them together in a in a grid.  and do certain things to make it look christmassy... santa hats or whatnot.  i stayed at work until 8 last night trying to figure it out.  but before that we had a long managers meeting where we got deep into discussions about respectful work place policy and culture and sexual harassment and what we can do about it.  heavy stuff.

on my way home i stopped to buy food for izzy and a shawerma for myself.  it's been a long time since i got a shawerma.  i saw one guy i recognized and he recognized me too.  that's what life is all about knowing and being known by your shawerma guy.

archie knew me too.  miss you, orange fella.


Jeannie said…
I couldn't see the card... got tangled up in red tape...please send me a snap of it. Yes it must be SO hard to let go. You were so extraordinaire