there and back again

friday was my last day in sweden. in the morning i showed edel all my food and said she could have it.  i meant to have some cheese one last time, but when i showed it to her she squealed, "oooh thank you!" and took it and put it with her stuff right away.  haha.  i looked longingly at it for a second and then shrugged to myself and had some plain knäcke bread sans cheese for breakfast. 

i packed my bags all up and stripped my bed and got everything all ready and then squeezed one last session in at the temple.  this time i finally went to check if there were any family names at the office like berit told me to do the day before and i got given one of my roommate edel's names.  i got one of your names! i whisper yelled to her in the change room as she was talking the short short haired older lady who had helped me on the first day.  edel was happy and whispered "oh thank you!".  i didn't stay after the session.  i had to hurry and catch the train.  kaetlyn was picking me up in stockholm.  she does coffee deliveries on fridays so she could meet me downtown and then take me home with her.  her and eddy live pretty close to the airport so they were taking me later that night.

so i checked out and caught the train and when i got off at the station the guy behind me dropped something and a girl from the train thought it was me and pointed it out to me, and then we both realized it was the guys and he was way ahead of me, but i grabbed it.  it was a fob for an apartment or something and i had to walk run to catch up to him.  he seemed to be travelling at a terrible speed and but finally i caught up and gave it to him and he was very grateful.  then i saw a text from kaetlyn saying she would meet me at such and such a spot and i looked at the exit and it didn't say that so i went the other way alllllll the way to the other side. it's a very looooooong station.  when i got out onto the street we realized i was on the opposite side from her. so we both just went our separate ways and never met up.  ha. no kaetlyn had me turn on my location and then she pulled up in her little coffee van and i jumped in.

the first thing we had to do was buy snus for thehusbandofbarb.  it's a lot cheaper in sweden.  snus is a tobacco product.  kaetlyn's friend gave us advice on a little snus shop and sure enough we got the cheapest deal there.  i had no idea what i was doing.  i just showed the snus guy a photo and he got me the goods.

then we headed back to the roastery and kaetlyn showed me around.  she started telling me the long and harrowing story of her attempts to stay in sweden.  sometime during that eddy joined us and they had a coffee together as we went through the whole frustrating story.  luckily it all had a happy ending. 

soon we were driving towards knivsta.  i wanted to buy some swedish books from a thrift store so they brought me to a cute little red and white cottage thrift store where i found lots of books. i chose some fairy tale types and some other types and kaetlyn and eddy got some icelandic dvds. 

back at their cute house we did some photos with their cats and they helped me with my phone issues and then it was basically time to go.  kaetlyn got me a suitcase i could take home and we drove to the store to buy some medicine barb wanted and then they dropped me off at the airport.

after figuring out how to get my own luggage tags and do the self-serve baggage drop i made it through security, bought an almond pastry of my dreams, a pizza bun and did some 'candies with laura' while waiting for my flight.

the flight was the best.  i had a whole row to myself and it was only an hour long.  but then i had an hour train ride to drammen then a bus ride to barb's house.  i wasn't sure about finding the right stop but luckily i saw the mcdonald's that is across the street from her and hit the buzzer.  barb was waiting up for me and we had a quick little catch up and then it was bed time.


Jeannie said…
Thanks so much for the travelogue. It has been fascinating. Entertaining to have such an interesting offspring