lightning and the thunder

friday was a big sunshiny whirl windy crazy wind-storm day.  it was glorious.  it was gorgeous.  it was destruction for trees.  this big branch was torn off the tree beside the burning bush tree in the park by my house.  but the worst i saw was the huge weeping willow on the corner of francis and garden city.  i long have admired and sent love eyes to this tree.  it had a huge chunk torn off.  like it looks like maybe half the tree.   i weep for that weeping willow. i hope she heals and goes on living and being graceful and sweet on her corner.

i get off early on fridays.  2:30.  and at 3:10 i was in front of evelyn's house ready to go in and do a photo shoot of krystal and her babe, indie.  i think indie is around 3 months old.  she is super cute and has hilarious expressions.  krystal and i bonded years ago as choir best friends and she may have moved to edmonton, then got married and moved to new zealand but choir best friends are forever okay.  krystal has the most beautiful rich gorgeous alto voice i have ever heard.  so yes, i also used to give her figurative heart eyes sitting next to her in choir.  anywaaaaays, i had so much fun doing a photo shoot with her and indie.  at the end we went outside and tooks some shots in the wild wind.  those were my faves.   krystal was so dancy and fun with her movements and indie was unmoved.  she made me laugh so much.  after we came in we sat and looked at our work and ate chocolates and talked a little while robert sang his grandbaby to sleep.  then i was off.  back home to change, grab the stepping stool which usually resides beside my high bed, and over to pick up my friend annabella.  friday night temple trip.  the stepping stool worked very well to help her up into sahib and she remembered to bring her handy capped sign so we could park closer to the doors.

stepping out of the elevator at the temple we saw one of the temple presidency.  i don't know his name.  he greeted us, then said "hey weren't you here last friday?"  "yes we were." i affirmed.  "way to go!" he said with a cheery side nudge.  our session was in korean.  sister deyell was there handing out headphones to every non-korean speaker.  i thought the headphones would be a pain, but i managed them very well.  thank you very much.  chop dong.

the celestial room was very reverent and celestial and i had celestial like moments.  it 's moments like those that i hope i can pack away like the precious jewels they are and keep them in my heart forever.  you know? 

on the way home annabella said she felt like japanese food so we stopped at a place she knew was open late in ironwood plaza.  i made the mistake of getting the all you can eat.  so. full.

saturday heather and i met for noodles. the same noodles that annabella and i went to last week.  the coconut curry broth was just sooooo good, i wanted to have it again.  and heather was all into it.  we also got fresh mango and pineapple slushies. 

all the side things that you dump into the soup.  i already put the meat in. i gave heather my quail egg and she gave me her shrimp.
i look too happy.

then we went to the west dyke for a walk.  our walk was like going from one bench to another and sitting and talking and enjoying the sun and the world.
we sat longest in front of this old man heron.

on the way to the sky train i made heather watch all my instagram stories from my trip.  she doesn't have instagram.  if you don't have ig you miss out ok.  after i dropped her off i bought some groceries and came home and did laundry.  the first laundry since i came home from norway.  let's just say that i was on my very last pair of garments.  a very productive and fun day.

there was no ward council on sunday.  a free morning.  what a treat.  i got up early to watch the broad cast that i missed on the new children and youth program.  i fell asleep during the middle and had a dream that sister sherrod and i were having a fight about the primary having weekly activities with the youth.  lol.  sister sherrod was the stake primary president when i was ward primary president.  when i woke up i had to go back and watch parts again. then i worked on my lesson and what to talk about in our presidency meeting after class.

sacrament was good.  kai iwassa who is 15, talked about the word of wisdom. he talked about a boy who always ate a sugary cereal breakfast and paid the price of a sugar crash and not receiving wisdom at school.  then he said "this boy is me."  that really made me laugh.  still hits my funny bone.   brother cook talked about unity.  i really liked his talk.  unity is such an important topic for our day.  because there is way too much divisiveness.  i hate it.  unity is the cure and love is the key to unity.  simple. 

my lesson was on the talk by sister cordon about the changes to the young women program.  we studied the new theme and attempted to memorize it.  i worked them hard.  and me. i  worked me hard too.  we wrote it on the board in 4 sections.  i had 4 girls so each girl wrote a section.  i brought in my coloured chalk from work. then we stood in front of the board and read it together out loud.  they are so often so sluggish and tired and dead inside when they get to class.  i didn't want them to sit much or languish in their bored, sleepy teenager ways.  so then i had them go and change words to pictures.  like you do in primary when you are learning a new song.  so they did that.  then we stood and said it again.  and we were using 2 boards so we were always walking between the 2 boards.  then we began erasing words, saying it together over and over until only the pictures remained.  in the end we had time for the blessing sister cordon promised and my testimony and we were done.  i love my girls.

after class i had a presidency meeting.  it was my first one in a loooooooooooong time.  like i can't remember the last one.  and silvia is new to our presidency and there were a lot of things we needed to talk about with the changes etc so it was good that we had one.  then silvia needed a ride home so i drove her home in tsawwassen and got to hear about how she and her husband met.  they are from peru. 

i missed samah's spooky birthday party.  again.  fatima said janvie was asking about me which is an improvement from hiding from me.  lol.

i had stake choir and evelyn wasn't able to come so i went on my own. i sat next to the new lady who has a great strong voice and eve burghart who is the sweetest.  we are performing brother roeder's arrangement of as i search the holy scriptures next sunday at a stake fireside that is multi faith and about different scriptures.  brother roeder's arrangement is super beautiful and interesting and fun to sing.  i am always deep into the song and the parts while singing that one.  we also practiced the coventry carol.  the lully lullay song.  so haunting and pretty.

i think i might have an eye dropper of gas left.  i hope i make it to the gas station today.

i am doing the social today.  pumpkin carving.  fun times.  i am listening to jane's teen hit list on jordan's spotify.  i am enjoying it quite a bit.

good bye.
