white horse

well i was all smug as a bug in a rug about getting my sleeping times all squared away and then i was wide awake at 2am.  i was awake but so tired.  however it came to pass that i could not go back to sleep.  so i've been up since 2am and it is 8:47 now.  i'm a wakefulness warrior.

we had breakfast all together around 8am and the dining room was buzzing.  so full of people that you could hardly get to any of the tables of food.  but i did my best if you know what i mean.  then we had 3 plenaries with 30 minute breaks in between.  a plenary is when you meet all together as the whole group.  the first plenary was really good.  it was the opening and it started with a famous sami throat singer.  that was amazing.  like really cool.  they also had the president of the norwegian parliment speak which is pretty impressive.  but the best part as always was the member who shared his story.

during each break i would go to my room and pee if i had to and then lie down and just close my eyes.

i ate too much at lunch.  and then the 3rd plenary after lunch was an hour and a half battle to stay awake.  i wrote down all 47 nieces and nephews names and all 50 states in alphabetical order and doodled till i couldn't doodle no more.  and after it was finally over--there was a workshop to go to.  work shops is when you break off into smaller groups.  i had been hemming and hawing over 2 different workshops.  but there was one that seemed like it might be more lively and iterative so i decided to go to that.  good decision. i found it to be a really great workshop.  they had an acting group and the group acted out several scenarios involving a member and what he was going through.  it involved job training, social interactions, meetings with service providers and in the clubhouse.  all of the scenarios went quite bad for that member.  then we talked about it and they re--acted the play and anytime we saw something that we could do differently if we were that member, or that staff person, we would say stop.  and then that person would switch it out and act what they would have done.  it generated a lot of  discussion from everyone and it was just really good.  i really enjoyed it and it was so lively that i had no troubles staying awake.

after that we had the canadian coalition reception which was boresville.  then we went out for dinner.  the clubhouse paid for our dinner because dave didn't realize when he made our per diem cheques nhow expensive it is to eat in norway.  everyone is telling us that there is no norwegian food, which i know isn't quite true, but we went to a steak house.  lots of chitter chatter and now i'm back and too tired to say more.  pretty much we ate and talked and then walked the 5 minutes back.now it's 9 and sleep can come and take me away on a white horse.
