edmonton part 2

when i came upstairs in the morning everyone was already up.  vicki and katie were having cutsie time, as i recall.  general talking and katie playing and lounging happened.

h raved over the top about my omelettes.  "laura's an awesome cook." she said.  "laura can make us omelettes!" she said.  "i love your omelettes!" she said.  i felt she oversold it a little, but how can i fault her for being a loyal lover of my omelettes? and  so it was i found myself making omelettes for the ladies.  it went alright but i didn't quite figure out the pan/oven top until the last omelette which was coincidentally mine! everyone was pretty gracious about their mangled egg messes though.  al had some yummy smoked cheese which i used.  smoked cheese is a thing that is right about the world.

when katie got up from her lay down we went for a walk on whyte ave.  karey and vicki took us to this place that had crazy different flavours of pop.  some had gross names but actual good flavours like:

we each picked out an actual gross flavour and then narrowed it down to 2.  heather and i won the gross vote.  mine was mustard and hers was ranch.  they won the vote.  i actually had a feeling in my heart that mustard would be good.  i believe in mustard, you see.

then we each picked a good one.  heather picked peanut butter and jam, i chose australian hot ginger, vicki picked coconut lime and karey picked prickly pear.  we bought all of them.
we walked down, found the cat cafe and watched the cats for a while in the window.  when the orange one walked up to the window my heart melted.  what is it about orange cats?  i love them.  the cats were watching the birds which were above our heads in the awning.  it made their tails twitch.  it made me afraid of getting pooped on.  we looked in some stores that had cool jewelry and stuff.  heather and i overheard this girl saying to her friend "you should get the crow earrings!" and both bee lined it over to where they had been the instant they left that spot.  heather loves crows.  so i made her buy them but she didn't need much convincing.  then we went to ice cream by marcus.  you get it by entering an alley between buildings and there is lights strung up between.  the feel of the place reminded me very much of rain or shine AND... see the underlined ice cream flavour on the sign!
like rain or shine!  but it didn't taste quite the same.  i was going to get it but then i tasted the roasted beet raspberry and i had to have it.  i was already getting the rosemary burned honey fig jam because, come on.  they were both creamy and deliciously flavoured.  we sat on benches outside eating our ice creams and tasting each other's.  then katie started to get fussy so we headed home.
vicki put katie down i think and karey and i started setting up our pop fun.  we washed out some of karey's mom's little crystal glasses and we set up in the back yard at the picnic table.  here's karey the hostess with the mostess.
we had a lot of fun and good laughs trying the bad ones and sharing the good ones.  the worst one turned out to be the mustard.  it was right nasty.  we took videos and selfies and posted on the ig. 

that night we had korean fried chicken and treats while we crafted.  i'm not telling what we crafted because..christmas!  when karey, heather and i were group chatting before we left to come to edmonton karey said we needed to stay in because we would have katie and i was all we can craft and make christmas presents and karey was all yeah! and heather was all, you guys are nerds.  haha. 

next morning we were up at the but crack of dawn.  we had to leave at 5:30 am alberta time which is 4:30 our time.  vicki got up to say good bye and was super careful with the light switch so as not to wake katie.  i teased her about it by whisper.  she untied heather's shoes for her to help her.  that's what kind of person vicki is.  karey stopped at a gas station to fill up and guess how much gas costs there! 90 cents!!!!!  what the what.  after a quick hug with karey we were off into the airport on our way home.

security double checked both of our bags.  i'm not sure why mine.  they didn't find anything, probably just checking out the lap top and cpap again, but heather's was like "what's that yellow thing" and heather was like "what yellow thing??"  we both thought maybe it was our crafted thing wrapped in tinfoil but no... heather dug her hand in and found an overly ripe, practically rotten mango.  "oh that's what happened to that mango!" she exclaimed, trying to explain to the security lady that she went shopping and then displaced the mango, while the security lady was pointing her towards a garbage can.  we both thought it was pretty funny.
the flight was pretty non eventful.  we could see the pink sunrise tinting the fluffy clouds.  heather read and i read my yw lesson and sent an email to the bishop on yw stuff and it was over before we knew it.  we drove back to richmond and i drove heather to the sky train and she headed to north van for her church and i went home, fed my hungry cat, got ready for church and made it just in time. 
a whirl of a weekend.  both heather and i agreed that it was super nice to just spend time hanging out with friends.


Karey said…
the mango story is the best. I can totally picture Heather trying to explain it haha
Jeannie said…
Who would have guessed that Heather was the mango smuggling type