buried burps

i went to bed around 9 last night and was wide awake around 2:30am this morning.  basically that's too early for my body and mind to be invigorated.  i may have laid there in sleeping positions and trying to breathe like i was sleeping but i was not sleeping.  my mind was awake.  and my mind started going over shadowy memories ...and i wanted to burp but i couldn't.  it was probably the stuck burp that woke me up.  yesterday i had a big salad made of cabbage and broccoli slaw and this might explain the burps.  why is it that when you wake up way too early you are wide awake until just before you have to get up.  that's when you start to snooze off, only to be jolted away minutes later by the rudeness of your alarm.  why. is. that.

on saturday i met up with fatima at the ULTRA family home.  we had a date to do some clicks for her poetry persona.  our theme was fall and reflections.  janvie had a colourful bandaid on the side of her nose and was too shy to be in my presence again which daman tried to jiggle out of her. did not work.  samah was chillin in the bedroom au naturel with her long thick locks all wild.  she took the opportunity to tell me and show me as many things as possible in the time we had.  fatima was wearing a pretty light purple lace knit sweater.  I SAID CABLE KNIT!!! i raged at her and stormed out of the room.  haha jk jk.  i dug it.  i was wearing long jeans for the first time since the spring.  my ol pals the snuggards.  fatima tried on her long goldy boots and her short booties.  i made her stand on one leg for each and chose the long goldies.  it's in our colour palette, i said. 

when we left we didn't go far before we started taking the pics.  we did some meditation in a green garden... well she meditated and i clicked the clickers.  then we met a cute snail that we named 'the guy'.  we bought sandwiches.  mine was a pulled turkey with jabenero and cranberry.  spicy sweet.  we had chats that kept us at the sandwich shop a bit longish.  then we went to the square and took a few more shots before heading home.

we hung out with the kids a bit.  janvie got over her shyness and called me 'auntie lala' as she was being bounced and tickled and mauled and grabbed and, and this is key...bitten by daman.  he likes to bite.  samah who was now dressed showed me her coconut hair detangler and made me drink coconut water before i left. 

i've been binge watching the show called MOM about a mother and daughter who is also a mother who are recovering addicts.  it's funny but i decided to stop watching it because after binging on it i realized it don't lift me up.  i really need to feed myself uplifting stuff.

yesterday i wore my black long dress with the flowers. the one i wore to amy's wedding.  my hair was kind of wild from all the rainy weather and i wore some bright pink lipstick.  i was walking past president wolsey and he was all 'hey whats up?" and i was all "nuthin" smile.  and he was all "you got the sass today." i was all "i do?" and he was all "yeah, i like it."  then sister cook interjected "she always has the sass."

i was all and he was all and we were all....

sunday school was really good. we talked about a lot of the things i've been thinking of lately.

gotta go byeeeeee


Jeannie said…
I am very curious about what poetry Persona is
Laura said…
oh fatima is starting an instagram account to post all of her poetry.