wed august 21

i feel that it is super important to document that on wednesday morning, august 21st 2019, when i graced the upstairs with my braless, triangle flapping presence i consumed some peanut butter toast.  let it be known henceforth.

wednesday is the day that i took a lot of time to write posts about the sister's weekend in gardom lake.  like i planted myself at the end of the dining room table and verily i moved from that spot a scant amount of times.

sarah and kyle at some point in the morning came home from the gym where they had been doing butt lifts and butt crunches in a frenzied 80s aerobics manner.  i wasn't there, but that's what i imagine they did.  after squeezing out their various sweat bands and tucking away their neon  spandex, french cut work-out wear, they joined me at the table.  kyle had a pen and some paper.  he meant business.  we planned our camping food.  we would talk about possibilities and then kyle would look at sarah enquiringly about ingredients and then she would shoot flames from her mouth that scorched off his eye brows in reply.  we decided we would make chocolate zucchini muffins (cupcakes if frosted, but these were un-frosted. (froooooooooooooooost yourself!)) from one of the 3 giant sized, literally size of a small child, zucchini from their jungle of a garden.  those were for breakie.  we need to bring peanutbutter to eat them with i stipulated.  it was agreed upon.  for luncharoos, we agreed upon smokies and for dinner, one day butter chicken and another day the meal of kyle's heart, tinfoil dinners.  another category entitled SNACKS was left wide open.  we all knew that SNACKS would be plentifully taken care of.  we knew in our hearts and it showed on our faces that SNACKS were not only going to be the bomb dot com, but they would also be river deep mountain high, as they say.

i didn't feel like going to costco and sundry so i opted to stay home and blog and work on photos so that's what happened. i also had a shower and washed my yellow fluff cloud, which is a gold star kind of thing to do. 

inbetween showering and posting i grated the smallest zucchini which was the size of 2 cats end to end, or a small aligator, or the arm of a body builder--you know the kind that have such huge arms and shoulders that they can't lay their arms flat to their bodies?  ya that size.  i grated it and then i got adriel to join me in putting all the dry ingredients together.  he dumped cocoa on alexa.  i'm just saying. 

speaking of alexa, there is an alexa upstairs and down.   suddenly sarah spoke to me through it.  and she wasn't home.  it was creepy.  but the person that gets arguably the most joy out of alexa is the hux who constantly is asking her to 'bean box'.   alexa does some sweet beat boxing and the hux could listen to her do it all day long.

i also checked out the jungle garden and picked 2 ripe tomatoes and 1 almost ripe one just fell into my hand.  i shoved a slug off of another tomato with a leaf as my shover.  "he touched my bag so i shoved 'im."  when kyle got home he said "these tomatoes aren't ripe." so i shoved 'im. 

as is often the case in late summer, there was a fruit fly war being waged at sarah and kyle's.  sarah says shallow glass containers work best. that what she say.

adriel and i were getting hungry.  i started eating cheese stix and we each ate a chicken leg from the night before.  adriel and huxley kept eating chocolate granola bars.  huxley called them chocolate bars.

like i said, sarah and her main squeeze did eventually arrive home.  but they had eating things at costco.  hot dogs and fries and sundae type things.  so they t'weren't too hungry, but sarah looked upon me with compassion and gave me some fried rice to tide me over. meanwhile she finished the zucchini muffin batter and also made some chocolate chip cookie batter too. 

we had burgers for dinner.  yummy burgers and chiiiiips.  sarah had to run to the grocery store and i went with to pick something up from the dollar store WHICH I WILL NEVER TELL, and some new razor blades for the various forest of hairs on the world that is my body.  sarah wanted to go with me to the dollar store to find out my mystery but i shoved her toward the grocery store and yes it was noted that it was the grocery store where the man told her she looked tired.  this man and his thoughtless words shall ever remain infamous in sarah's heart.

maybe we watched the chef show and maybe this is the day we finished race.  either way we did watch something and it was one of those two things. sarah was jumping up to take various batches of muffins (maybe i timesed it excessively) or cookies.  i think we were watching race, truth be told.  a cuddling hux fell asleep and sarah carried him to bed.

meanwhile kyle made me download stuff to my laptop to play some fun games on.  but when it came time to play the actual game, my phone died and was not powering up super duper fast, not much at all, so i ended up playing on my lap top and kyle lugged his computer down the stairs.  you gotta play on a device.

we had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs.  the first game we played was quick quips, i think it's called?  there were lots of fun ones but the only two i remember was adriel's answer to what the first lady does all day at the white house, was slither around.  that really hit our funny bone.  and sarah's caption for a cartoon horse to a cowby as "git yer plums off my back!".  that really stuck with me.   the rest of my visit i might be known to suddenly chuckle out of the blue and say "git yer plums off my back!".  the next game was where you drew things to go on a t shirt and wrote slogans for a t-shirt and then put them together in hilarious ways and the best combo with the most votes won.  that one was so fun and so hilarious.  i wanted to keep playing over and over and i definately did not get my fill.


Jeannie said…
You guys just have too too too much fun. Makes me jealous