we don't eat beaver anal gland secretions

i really don't mind the cooler days when i can feel the air flowing in through the window.  i've been watching this swedish show and izzy is draped over my legs all soft and silky warm.  the contrast feels so nice. 

they often speak too fast for me to catch all the words (in the show) but at the same time my language gears are starting to warm up.  i've been doing my morning scripture study in swedish too.  reading and writing.  but that's at my own pace.  listening to others talking  and trying to understand everything...it's good work.  the other day i said something to heather that i realized i had translated directly from swedish.  wow. fantastic.

barb says i need to get into bicycling shape for my time in norway because we will cycle everywhere. i'm not sure how to do that since i don't have a bike anymore since my last one was stolen and even if i did, everything is flat here.  but i guess i could try the stationary bike at work at least.

i love hearing the wind in the trees in the half darkness.  i love it when the air is full of life.

nuria was sick today.  a bad cold hit her yesterday at work.  janine doesn't work thursdays.  so it was just jimmy and i and we were making a very busy lunch today.  at first i thought, no, this is too crazy.--we won't have time to make it all with just the 2 of us.  then dave deil showed up.  then beryl.  then i asked nelson to join and he did.  then we got 3 nursing students.  then my new weekender--i forgot he was coming.  so the kitchen was full and bursting with people and the craziness became just directing them all in all the work and finding enough pans etc etc.  but we got it all done in a big crazy whirlwind.  it was kind of fun.  these student nurses were not duds.

caleb and i are having a war regarding the wellness "facts".  the fact is i refuse to put fake news into the morning meeting.  i'm not disseminating fear-mongering half truths designed for a fear response.  which really irked him.  and so he's been giving me the silent treatment basically.  it's not ideal, i don't want him to feel bad, but i also wish there could be a mature discussion on matters where people have differing opinions.

i often wish that.  just because i don't agree with something you said doesn't mean we have to be enemies.  we can be frenemies.  :)  jaykay. 


Jeannie said…
Apparently there is an art to disagreeing agreeably. Some people are very good at it. It is a good gift to covet. What is this about Norway??? When are you going, with who? Sounds like you better get in shape all right. Or could be disastrous for knees and other parts of your body.
Laura said…
i'm going for work mom! there's a conference there and i got picked to go. but my friend barb married a norweigan last year and lives not far from where i'll be so i'm staying a bit longer to hang out with her