meatoballu head

no i didn't.  i put them up in space buns.  "meatoballu head, meatoballu head" chanted fumiyo as she passed the table i was taking orders at at lunch time.

also, have you ever sneezed while laying on your back and tried to angle it away from you only to feel a fine diffuse mist descending right back down on you?  i ask this for no reason.

today we made toasted bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon.  i placed some slivers of red onion on each one and three boops of capers.  they were really cute and super delicious.  we served them with seafood chowder but as i personally eschew the creamy soups, i had greek salad with mine. 

recently we have gotten a little weird while looking for new playlists on spotify.  this morning we listened to the bagel play list and this afternoon the lemon and lime playlist.  the latter was inspired by the mountain of limes i was juicing for our cuban pork chop marinade.  i had to juice 5 cups of lime juice.  i mean my hands are strong and everything, but that was a little extreme.  i had to take turns between my right and left hands.  thankfully nuria helped me with the last 8 or so lemons.  i think i may have juiced over 30.  i'll do anything for a lemon or limey meal.  i love the acids.  (ahem, food acids not drugs, kay).

anyways jimmy has one of those squishy stress balls and he has become super attached to it.  he's always throwing it around and bouncing it off the walls and stuff.  today he was in the hallway by the bathroom playing catch with bruce.

so i've come up with a rather ingenious way of keeping the laptop cool and my legs cool at the same time.  i basically put the fan on my legs pointing down towards my feet and rest the laptop on top of it.  so the lap top get's it's own little cooling fan and so do my feet.  win win.

i wore my dangly jangly heart earrings today and they were quite the hit.  "why do you always wear such interesting earrings?" asked hope as she peered super closely at them. 

ok bye.

ps. isn't carmen a gorge-face?


Jeannie said…
Bagels with smoked salmon, Cuban pork chop marinade with lime, sounds yummy. Yes Carmen is stunningly gorgeous. Thanks for documenting it so strikingly.