i fell to my death

it was a good day at church.  i felt full of life with lots to give.  cassie gave such a great talk.  as is often the case camp was super testimony building for her.  what makes camp so special and how can i replicate it the rest of the year?  girls come back from camp full of fire.  the rama's granddaughter was visiting.  she was a cute beehive with gold heart earrings.  you know i wanted those.  her name is anika and the ramas introduced me to her.  i asked if she was coming to young womens and her mom said she was scared.  i was all "we have really small group of girls and they are all nice.  you don't have to be scared."  her mom came with her but as soon as she was in the room she and cassie connected about some character and cassie hugged her and her mom left and everything was fine.  cassie and winne gave the lesson and did a great job.  it was on self-reliance.  we had some time at the end to write down how we could be more self reliant and i that's when i thought of one of the talks i listened to yesterday called "everything is figureoutable" by marie forleo.  marie tells two great stories and i told them one of them.  it was about her mom, who was a single mom and was always just doing things she didn't know how to do like fixing the roof, tiling the bathroom and fixing her radio.  when she asked her her she could do all these things that she didn't know how to do before, her mom was like "listen hun, this is no big deal, everything is figureoutable".. that's the short version of the story.  marie was saying that sometime we may think we can't do something or we don't know what to do.  she said "yes. you. do. you are divinely blessed and infinitely capable.  there is no fate, no circumstance, no situation that can hinder the unstoppable power of your human soul."  i think that's true.  we are divinely blessed.  in partnership with God we can do all things.  her words made me feel powerful and free from these clods of human clay.  she said our actions come from what we believe so youz gotsta believe so you then go and do.  she said what would you do, and how would you change if you believed you could.  that's somethin to think about.

anywhowitzer, here are some photos from the morning of april 22 2019.  heather and i were in moab.  we got up early to go into canyonlands national park and see the sunrise at the mesa arch.  that was our plan.  but we did not calculate correctly.  you see we thought, oh the turn off to canyonlands is right there, it's super duper close.  but no.  you turn off, you go up and up and up and then you drive and drive and drive, and you pass some rando cows and drive and drive and drive and the sun is rising while you drive and you finally make it to the entrance of the park and no one is working at the booth yet and the visitor center is not open and you see that people have slept there overnight in their cars and you pull over at the first stop and go and explore and this is what you see.

 in this pic, if you look very closely and perhaps zoom in you can see, the moon, me*, and even heather.
 and here heather is out in the open.  it was cooler in the mornings cuz desert.  also i will come out and just admit to you here and now that i enlarged the moon.  we all know it looks bigger to our eyes than it comes out in the picture. 
this is a rando guy that i used to be my silhouette.
 if you peer over the edge of the cliff you see this crazy switchback trail all the way to the bottom.  it's called the shafer trail or road and it originally started out as a cattle road but was used a lot in the 1940s in the search for ore and uranium.

meanwhile the sun was doing cool things.  i saw this lady over by this cliff edge taking shots and i wanted to go there and take shots but the trail to go over there was very close to the edge and had this one spot that you kind of have to step over a gap..you know how i am with heights... but i told heather i wanted to go over there and she offered to help me, and as she did she began to sing "that's what friends are for... for good times, for bad times... i'll be on your side forever more..."
 ok she didn't sing but the orchestra started playing it in swelling tones as she patiently guided me slowly step by step with my hand on her shoulder until we made it to that ledge.  like it was super dramatic but probably didn't need to be, but it was.

 so thanks to the h-a-nator i got these shots.  thanks h.  you really are a swell pal.

what happened next?  i fell to my death.


Jeannie said…
Those are stunning. Friends are the best. Thanks Heather. And thanks Marie's Mom. I have noticed that motherhood creates necessities... things that must be done... And necessity is the mother of invention.
Heather said…
I was wondering when the title would come into play! ahahahahahahaha!!