
i had a dream this morning that with considerable effort--going from one store to another, that i bought a washing machine.  i had come in to a chunk of money and i wanted to get something useful.  then karey wanted to buy a fan so we went in to this other store and while she was looking at fans i looked at their washers.  it was there, looking at theirs that i realized that there is already a washing machine at my house.  where would i put this washing machine and why had i purchased something that was already provided by my landlord??  i knew i would have to take it back.  i went over to where karey was with the fan sales people.  i thought, oh maybe i should get a fan too because now i will have this extra chunk of money and i can afford it.  the sales guy made some pitches but none of the fans were strong enough for me..

i wonder how much of this dream was influenced by the cool air washing over me from the window as i slept.  it's so windy out these past 2 days.

yesterday i was looking for a specific general conference talk that i wanted to hear again.  but i couldn't remember the name of the speaker. i kept thinking "ken.. ken..." but none of the results were of the talk i was searching for.  i didn't have a lot of time to search so i settled on a different talk by someone with the name kent d. watson.  it was the talk about being temperate in all things which is a good talk and a good thing to remember.  but the talk after it turned out to be the one i needed to hear.  it was by elder anderson. and it answered some thoughts and questions i've been having and just offered the kind of encouragement that i really needed.  i listened to it as i was getting ready and i was like "yeah! this is what i needed!" the whole time.  i decided to read it again this morning.  after doing that and thinking about the message, i felt thankful and that it was just the kind of happy accident that reminds me that God loves me and knows me.

now i remember the name of  guy who gave the talk i was initially searching for.  kevin pearson, stay by the tree.  i'll listen to that as i get ready today.  i guess i needed to hear elder anderson's talk first.  this is when ursuala the sea witch says "life's full of tender mercies, innit?"  obviously she's been through some personal growth and development...
