that kind of day

i was at the grocery store.  i was hungry and decided instead of fast food i'd buy salad in a bag and a rotisserie chicken.  but just because i was choosing a healthier option didn't mean i could walk by the ice cream case without buying myself some.  just as i reached for the peanut butter and chocolate 'oats and mills' (turns out it's made from oats not milk), a shopping basket crashed down on my bare baby toe.  did i absentmindedly grab a basket with another one attached or was someone sending me a message?  i grabbed the dulce de leche too.

today was a repentance day for me.  friday night i was feeling low and discouraged.  i went to sleep at eight thirty and when i got up i decided to listen to general conference talks while i edited photos.  there is nothing like the words and testimonies of prophets to shine rays of hope onto my dark soul.  and eventually the desire to pray was compelling me to my knees.  and i told Heavenly Father everything and asked for help.  one thing i notice about repentance--it frees me.  whatever thing that has been psychologically paralyzing me, and to me that happens quite a bit, i'm suddenly free from it.  suddenly it's so much easier to do things that i was blocked about before.  this can be as little as doing the dishes or my laundry or emptying the  litter box.  i feel like putting my place in order is parallel to putting my soul in order, if you know what i mean.  a repentance day also includes writing in my journal and making myself a real lunch.  i don't know why, but these things are all a part of it.    and now at the end of the day i can look back on my rather ordinary day of turning my life back to God and realize that the best part has been the peace that drifted into my heart and made a home there.  and i noticed that instead of distracting myself, i had a lot of deep thoughts and a few ideas. i watched the wind rustling the feathers of the trees behind my house, and enjoyed the light in the leaves illuminate and shadow at different times of the day.  and izzy's paw languidly stretched out in front of her as she slept...  a repentance day is a good kind of day.  maybe every day should be a repentance kind of day.  i hope it will be. i want to live a different kind of life.  a life of life.  haha.

ps. eryn turned me on to a singer called julien baker.  i love her song titled "rejoice".  look it up.  listen to it iffin you wanna.

pps, some mold smells like reaaaally bad morning breath...which makes me think about morning breath...

ppss i composted my eggs from december last year and feb this year.  but i kept the eggs from december 2017.  i might have to keep them forever.

pppss.  frozen cherries are the bomb dot com.

i leave you with:
a butterfly i met in turkey...
 a muddy mary...
 the queen and her feather
 an urchin eli...
 me with a huge pile of flowers a man from egypt gave me when he saw me sheepishly trying to pull one from the tree...
 and 2 pics of me swimming in the red sea not far from an island controlled by ksa--the kingdom of saudi arabia.

i dig you byeeeeeeee!

pppssssss:and this is how i make plans w friends...
