something weird just happened.  i didn't want to finish my ice cream.  waaaaaaaaat??  i don't know if that has ever happened to me in my 45 ice cream loving years of life.  there was just a moment, when i was like--i've had enough.  i shook my head like i was in a dream and tried to ignore it.  but it persisted, so now there's 3 or so spoonfuls of dulce de leche waiting for me in the freezer.  weiwd.  

speaking of weiwdness my toe is less so. 

i spent a lot of time today working on my talk and editing photos, sometimes at the same time.  i finished michealah's wedding photos but i did not finish my talk.  i was hoping that this could be the first time i finished a talk the day before giving it.  but this is not that time.  i'll have to wake up early and put it all together in the wee hours of the day.

carmen asked me if she could sleep over tonight after hanging out with the taylors and go to church with me tomorrow.  but i have not heard from her and it is nine thirty now.  is she just coming late or have her plans changed?  i hope to find out soon.  

blah.  this post is not giving me good vibes.  i guess i'm a bit antsy about the talk.

my body is a skin tag factory. sorry you have to know this, but bearing the knowledge alone is too heavy a burden to bear.
