in the open

the dishwasher explosion of 2019 was caused by leaking water which burnt out the element which EXPLODED.  my guy, my dishwasher guy, the best dishwasher guy, richard came and mostly fixed it for us.  we are waiting for a part so in the mean time we can use it but it doesn't get to the required sanitizing heat level so we have to do a bleach and water rinse after.  blah blah blah.  long and short of it is, we are using the paper, plastics and styrofoams until this is fixed.

i took the bus to work.  it was sprinkling lightly and there sun was shining through dramatic clouds.  i missed my stop. haha.  what is with me lately??  i also forgot my fob and had to get the macdonald to let me in.  sylvs (our new program director) had called an electrician about the dishwasher but while i was working i thought maybe i should call richard, and so i did...and that worked out.  so hooray for that.

i had my new weekend staff in for her second day of training and we had 3 nursing students.  i splashed bleach on my blue lightning tshirt. woe is me about that.

after work theresa picked me up and and we went to steveston for fish and chips at pajos.  that always reminds me of lisa tomicki because we always used to go out for fish and chips together.  theresa and i had a nice time talking.  

we stopped at her place on the way back so she could check her mail and i got to check it out and aske a thousand questions about everything... 

now i'm super duper tired and writing a boring post.  sorry about that.

i found another quote on the current topic of my mind:

The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. (C. Joybell C.)

well here i am.  in the open.  or i was until i fell asleep in my bed with a sheet and the fan going.  night.
