yesterday i didn't really eat anything until the afternoon.  it was that kind of saturday.  i didn't feel motivated to do anything.  well, that's not true. i spent a lot of time researching.  researching my road trip and researching housing options and researching research--no not really, but too much research can do my head in after a while.  the thing is, it was fast sunday today and i really wanted a good fast for once in my life.  i believe in the power of fasting.  i believe it a lot.  lately i haven't had my bleepity bleep together on fast sunday weekends and i end up doing what i call 'last minute partial fasts'.  but there's a lot i need to fast about so i decided to get my bleepity bleep together and do a for reals fast.  so basically before you fast you need to actually eat or else you are already fasting.  so i ate and i ate again and therefore my fast start and end time was around 8pm. keep reading. this is good stuff.  this stuff is compelling.  

i went to work and climbed stairs. 2 times up to the 4th floor and i almost died.  but instead of dieing, i did some more trip research and ate enchiladas. and had some coconut pops.  and researched.  and did cost anaylis and climbed the 4 flights of stairs again--this time my legs were jelly.  bet you're jelly.  

i went to bed early and woke up early.  it's moments like that that i feel i'm basically so legit, which means the rest of my slovenly late to bed and last minute to get up life is frankly illigit.  whatever.  i wore my cat blouse and my faux suade fringed fawn skirt and i opted for some dangly pinks for ma lobes.  bright pink lips too.  durned if there weren't some pink on ma lids too.  durn tootin pure rink a dink purty pink day.  what's wrong with me.  i don't know and i don't have the desire to enter that rabbit hole.  

church was nice.  nice fast and testimony meeting in which i did not verbally participate but in which i did mentally render my testimony.  5th sunday joint meeting was on personal missionary plans.  it was aight too. after i supported the ward choir even though i will not be there for easter sunday.  be that as it may i practice the easter number with them.  i'm that kind.  the choir kind.

i've been spending sunday afternoons going through my old photos and organizing them.  there's a huge stack that's all mixed up with no home envelope. going through all those old photos is a real walk down memory lane.  some things, like on my mini mission, i totally do not remember.  other things i remember because of the photos.  

after stake choir it was finally time to break my fast.  and i did it with a prayer, obviously--we already established that i'm legit--and then a cookie.  sister subkowitz brought us cookies today and i got one and put it in my purse.  one does not let cookies pass one by when one is fasting.  after the cookie i moved on to toasted roti smeared with skippy's smooth peanut butter and then folded in fours.  can i just say that melted skippy's peanut butter is a warm river of delight and just about one of the most delicious things that exist.  next i poured myself a bowl of frozen blue berries and started some popcorn in the popcorn popper.  while the popper was warming up i decided that now would be a good time to snap some yams.  the only thing is, i had been fasting, and the yams were quite reluctant to snap if you will.  i could hear the popcorn popper going and going and all the diamond poses did little to help the yams along.  i could imagine come back into the kitchen to a full on pop corn popper fire and popped kernels everywhere.  in the end there were just a few over toasted kernels, and a few kernels spilled on the counter.  not a big deal.  but just learn from me and don't start the popcorn and then go blithely off to snap yams because it may take longer than you think to snap those yams. however the frozen blueberrie were just right. not too frozen and not too thawed.  so pour a bowl of blueberries if you want to.  and that is a break the fast meal of a single lady in her middle ages who hasn't grocery shopped in a while.  

bro cook told me that climbing stairs was the best way to get in shape for hiking, with the time frame that we have (3 weeks).  he said don't do too many to start because the next day you might not be able to move.  i told him that i had done stairs the day before and he was like how's your legs.  i was all, oh not bad, i just feel it a little bit. you usually don't feel it fully until 24 hours says bro cook.  sure enough at around 4 or 5 i got up to use the loo and woah.  i felt it more.  stiff in the old gams.  still i'm super motivated to prepare myself physically for this road trip vacation. we'll be doing a lot of exploring in canyons and the like.  and i don't want to die.  or feel like death would be be desirable rather than continuing.  i've been a slug with a bum foot for the last 5 months, barely moving more than i had to but for the first time in those 5 months i feel like i can actaully walk more than is required for work with no pain, and that my friends is a good thing.  so i know i won't be in top physical form but i hope to be better than slug level is all i'm saying.  the slug is my spirit animal. 
