boxing day

on boxing day we started our late morning right--with ginger drink for me, and deluxe herbal teas for sarah and kyle and leftover coconut french toast.  i ate the only 7 sausages and left none for others.  i'm not condoning greedy gluttonous actions, i'm only saying it happened.  all morning hux was zipping round and round on his scooter and then jumping off with flair while it was still going.  so cute and so naughty since he knew he wasn't allowed to scooter upstairs.

sarah's mission this day was to colour my hair.  project lighten and brighten if you will.  when we went downstairs to the salon, we discovered that someone had gotten into my christmas chocolates.  was it arlo?  was it huxley?  hard to know.  on the one hand, the wrappers were opened, not eaten as is arlo's mo.  on the other hand hux didn't have chocolate any case arlo got in trouble and put outside to have his barfs n trots and i got my hair did.  i'm not going to lie.  i was struggling with my new look at that point.  i just didn't feel like me.  sarah was hoping the light n bright was going to help.  and it did.  after i i showered and styled my hair my old way, and blow dried it, i felt better.  i felt more like me. 

during the hair hooplah sloan was bustling about getting ready for our beach bonfire.  covering the wood when it rained, getting the wagon, and cardboard and all needs.  adriel and sloan and arlo walked down to ella beach ahead of us and sarah, kyle, huxley and i drove down in sahib the habib.  ella beach is reached from a downward path off of a cul de sac.  when it opened up to the beach which is a beach consisting of  deep banks of rounded, water eroded stones, i looked down at my foot and i looked over to where the fire was already started, and back down at my tender tootsie.  i felt apprehension.  after wearing bucky the boot for 6 weeks all together i didn't want to exacerbate my foot injury by turning my ankle on a sea of wobbly rocks.  i took a route and speed of extreme caution.  sloan came over with a walking stick for me and offered his shoulder as my second staff of stability.  i made it to the fire side in time it would take a turtle to go there and back 4 times.  but my foot was ok and that's the point.  foot preservation is the point. 

they built a stone wall the sheild from the wind.  i sat on my fleece on a wet log and ate some snacks.  we burned adriel's holy bum joggers.  this seed of burning the pants was planted by me.  i really wanted to burn the brown bum pants.  but that will be for a later date.  i brought pendergast and i saw a pic i wanted and so i told adriel what to do to take it and where to go and he followed my instructions and brought it back and that's when i realized that i left the memory card back at the house in my laptop.  pffft.  so we used my phone because that is what must be done.

 this above pic is our fr fr pic.  even huxley started saying fuh real, fuh real, so thanks again anonymous commenter you've really brightened our holiday and gave us a fun new phrase.  once one person starts saying it everyone else joins in and it echos on for quite some time.  frfr.

 arlo who is a mad mad dog when it comes to sticks, dropped a big heavy one just on the right spot of my bad foot.  he's mad for sticks.  he can't help it.  he lusts for them. 

i lust for cool rocks and ocean treasures.  i can't help it.  this time i was in search for a black stone for sister wolsey who requested one when she heard where i was going for christmas.  i also found this beautiful egg shaped lightly turquoise one but i left it because it was not quite so grand once it started to dry.  that's the way with beach rocks much of the time isn't it. 

just when golden hour was beginning we left because that is what always happens with sarah and kyle.  arlo was pretty funny getting into the car.  kyle would tell him to jump into the hatch back, and he would leap up and then bound over the next seat right away and then kyle would grab him out the door and into the back and again, and again he would bound over the seat.  this happened at least 3 times and it was quite amusing to me, but not so much to kyle. 

we went to mayfair mall to do a little shoppin.  kyle led us through a mud field to get there.  kyle does these things.  sarah and i discussed it--specifically the incident of early 2018 where he lead us through a slippery kelp forest which lay on top of deep rocks and then detoured into a deep mudhole infested path and abandoned us and nagged at us from safety when my sandal was deep in the mud sucking hole and my foot was bare.  that is what we talked about as we navigated through the mud garden path to the mall.  sarah switched one of her fab rings from kyle for another fab ring that fit better and she got some jeans that she may or may not have tried on commando while i looked anywhere but, if you know what i mean.i looked for eye de-puffers at sephora but then felt disillusioned and got nothing.

we saw mary poppins.  not in real life.  she didn't descend with her umbrella to the mall. we saw the new movie.  and we all agreed that it was good.  not a mary poppins replacement but a story that went well with the first one.  we enjoyed.  we liked.  we ate at bin 4.  my burger had deep fried goat cheese on it.  nuff said.  kyle and i got citrus mint coolers.

on the way to and from sooke i read mom's life story to sarah and kyle.  what a great gift. i think it's one of the best home made christmas presents she has ever given us and i hope she continues.  i could picture little jeannie and heather and grampa and gramma...i just really appreciate this gift mom.  it's priceless to your posterity.  i could see myself in your stories--like how you thought it would be cool to have a wheel chair and were trying to break your leg.  haha.  and in grampa who said he was eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the attic like i used to tell the younger kids who asked where mom and dad were--they're in california chopping wood, i'd blithely say.
