wind storm

i woke up this morning at 6:45 again.  this morning as i was reading some of the best chapters in the book of mormon, the one where Christ heals the people and blesses the children, sloan came in with breakfast for me on a tray.  sloan loves bringing breakfast in bed.  this is not the first time i've been a beneficiary of his generous morning offerings.  but it was the first time i've been offered such a diverse menu. a bowl of vanilla greek yogurt, some garlic sausage rounds, crispers and pickles in a pool of peanut butter.  :)

sloan learned last night that i like pickles and peanut butter.  i haven't indulged in this weird proclivity of mine for quite a few years but it's just as alive in my taste buds as it was many moons ago when i discovered the combination as a child.  anyways sloan is so cute.  he drew me a pic of a archie with his beloved gel pens and left me a note on the kitchen counter that said "have a nice day aunty lora"  sloan is doing his part to #lighttheworld.

i spent the morning making brazilian fish stew.  i sat at the counter chopping onions and peppers, and fish, grating garlic and zesting limes.  huxley was watching kid shows on the computer but sometimes he would come by and ask to suck a lemon.  "it's a lime." i said.  "no, it's a lemon." said mr. stubborn. we had already gone over the differences between lemons and limes. "ok, i can't give you a lemon, because i only have limes," i said.  "i want a lime." said huxley.  smart boy.  he loves sour things.  he also ate a whole red pepper. 

just as i was putting it all together in the pot and waiting for it to simmer, the power went out.  there was a wind srorm waging outside.  sarah and i got ready to go get a treat at the coffee shop and a golden tea (milky tumeric thingy)  her battery was dead.  we took sahib.  as we were walking down the road/driveway thingy to him we saw branches fly from the tall evergreen tree like fluff from a dandilion.  but when we saw it on the ground they were a lot bigger than we thought.

the power was out in the whole town and no shops were open.

back at home we decided to wrap presents.  i wrapped 2 in the time it took sarah to wrap 5 or 6.  sloan and adriel came home and were antsy buggy fighty fidgetty.  i offended sloan because i called him a wiggly willis.  to me this was reminiscent of 'bonk head' of yesteryear, when adriel cried when sloan called him bonk head.  that still makes me laugh.

soon it was too dark to safely make the very grave decision of which of the plethora of tags i would place on my present.  kyle came home and started looking for a camp stove to heat up the fish stew. but the power came on after 5 hours.  so we made rice and had the stew.  it was soooooooo good, if i say so myself.  i made it with their cod and bass and wow.  delish.  way better than the tilapia i make it with at work. the big chunks of fish were so satisfying.  and it was so coconut and lime and cilantro and good.  make it yourself.  it's easy.  you'll like it.  it's called moqueca, which i kept saying in a deep voiced harsh sounds kind of way.

the truth is i went commando today.  of all the clothing items i packed, like 5 pairs of christmas pjs, i forgot underwear except what i was wearing and a few pair in my dirty laundry.  so i was washing it all this morning and...well the power went that happened.

we watched survivor as we ate our moqueca.  kyle made gharderlli brownies.  we got caught up.  next is the finale.  after the kids went to bed we had warm brownies with the vanila yogurt which is thick and rich, and some raspberries.  YUM.  it was perf.  you're perf too.  perf to me.

i got them to start mr. sunshine.  if they continue i will feel like my life has meaning. katie did too and now she is watching it over again. this is meaningful.  this is only right.  if you haven't watched it, watch it.

i hope izzy isn't too lonely home alone.  i'm not sure if she will miss archie or like having the place to herself.

tomorrow is date night.  lindsay is my date.


katie said…
I live that Sloan brought you peanut butter and pickles! So sweet...I too laughed at bonkhead. The fish stew sounds amazing! I want to try it. My family all thinks I’m weird because I like my sunshine.