fuh real! fuh real!

i can't not wake up early.  around six my eyes are like bling! awake.  we are awake eyes and we will sleep no longer.  this only happens before christmas.  yesterday morning was the same, however i did not get out of bed until after 9 and i felt ick and ugh all morning.  then sarah cut and coloured someone's hair at 10 and so i hid in my room again.  apparently sloan brought me another snack yesterday morning but left it in the salon.  when sarah found it, it was a plate with 2 pickles on it.  arlo had eaten the rest.  sarah made her bed yesterday with all the pillow glory and everything which is a good sign that she is heading towards wholeness and health.  she also had a burst of energy where she vacuumed... or was that the day before?  anywho, after her hair appointment she was depleted of energy and strength and we lounged together.  after a while we knew it was time to get ready because when adriel got home he was baby sitting and when kyle got home shortly thereafter we were going in to vic to do some shoppy-loo and then have date night. 

so i got dressed in snuggards and star t and soft blue cart.y.gan....carty.  bethany soft blue carty is type 1 ok.   sarah got dressed in a rust t.  rust is one of her wowza colours.  she wore a more substantial carty with a navy blue navajo print on it.  i looked at myself and i had the eyes of the elderly.  dark circles and puff billows under my eyes.  so i dabbed some of sarah's cream on them and plopped a bag of huxley's frozen blueberries on them.  "hey those are MY blueberries!" declared the hux as i froze my whole upper face in a matter of minutes.  my eyes may or may not have looked the same but i chose to see youth and ignore the aging.  sarah did my hair.  she gave me to fishtail braids and then knotted them each behind my ears and put her precious gold bling head band on me and she did my make up in a fantastical way with the rose gold sparkles that were meant to be mine and pretty plummy deep pinkishness colour....yeah.  what i'm saying is that i looked the best i possibly could look with the eyes of the elderly fighting their way onto my face.  after being so pizzazzed up i lolled about in wait for the time of our date. 

kyle came home and did things on the computer. then it was time for us to go.  we got into bluey and we were off.  first we stopped at the langford winners which has the hugest home sense section and yet the wrapping area could not be seen.  not that i need anything but i wanted to SEE it.  sarah and i went in search of cool shoes for sloan, which is what i wanted to get him, and as soon as we stepped into the boy's shoe section we both saw them at the same time.  copper nike high tops.  the coolest.  shhh. don't tell sloan.  then we went to look at the toy section for huxley but not before kyle came and wanted my opinion from me for some thing for sarah.  i followed him to that part of the store.  at which point we see a man walking away with the present that kyle was thinking on.  i suggested that he jump on him and wrestle him to the ground and grab it from him but kyle just kinda laughed at that like i wasn't serious or something.  but we then we found a much larger stash and then had too many to choose from and then narrowed it down to the one. i left kyle with said item and walked back towards sarah and as i did a surge of weakness flooded over me.  weak with hunger i said to myself and i lay on the floor and died. but i didn't.  but i could have.  i found sarah and we went back to the toy section and instantly found huxley's gift which is a morotrized scooter of a fairly cheap price.  so why not buy it?  but then i had to carry this huge box and i had left my strength dead on the floor.  my weakness did it's best but it was a struggle.  sarah was like give it to me, and then we both looked at each other.  i don't know why i said that, said sarah who is weak herself with her post mouth op condition.  we joked about carrying between us on our shoulders like we attempted to do that fateful may 2017 with the big rubbermade bin on the trail at cape scott.  that big fiasco where my forearms were shaking and twitching from carrying it and we had to keep putting it down every 30 seconds....haha, funny now but not then.anyways i made it to the checkout at which point i put it down and pushed it forward with my foot along the line.  and these two ladies in front of us kept looking back at me every time is shoved it forward and i smiled at them and then they said they liked my earrings, which were the christmas ball ornament earrings.

we went to dt vic and parked in the special parking garage. almost at the very top.  we took the elevator down which is not very noteworthy except i accidentally presses up first so we went to the top and then down to our floor again, which makes me giggle for some reason.  we shopped at cool shops and saw cool things.  we realized that sarah can rock fur and fake fur jackets.  this is her year of the jacket.  we were continually amazed by it. 

then we met up with lindsay who was my date. and we ate at varsha.  which is an indian place with some fusion twists.  kyle and i both got the ginger lime mojito mocktail.  it wasn't very gingery though...but it was alright.  lindsay and i shared everything.  we got a pork belly naanwhich, which was messy but pretty good.  and malai broccoli, which were these two huge broccoli steaks with a yummy sauce on them and a tangy dip.  then we shared a lamb curry.  the lamb was chewy but the sauce was rich and delicious.  we got garlic naan.  sarah and kyle got coconut naan, butter chicken and goan coconut chicken curry and coconut rice.  they dug the coconut.  i did coconut too.  it's the bomb dot com.  it is and i am.   we all agreed that varsha was good as in ok, but not rock your socks.  if i went there again i'd get more of the fusion kinds of things like the bollywood burger.  but you can get better indian classics other places.

we went to the mall.  we found the softest ever pj bottoms at urban planet and i could not stop touching them.  like they were that soft.  unbearably soft and delicious.  like i need some of that fabric just so i can always touch it for the rest of my life.  i bought adriel a brown bum. kyle was dismayed to learn that as a type 2 he likes dullards.  we took selfies in the snowy trees.  a lady refused to hear my offer of taking a picture of all of them.  absolutely refused to hear me. 

we left.  said good bye to lindsay and went home.  on the  way we stopped at thrifty's.  we were going to get cheese cakes but i suddenly had no desire for a rich dessert.  and i was suddenly bone tired and felt a cold coming on.  i stayed in the car and they went in.  they came back with a vanilla slice for me, which is never doing me wrong.  on the way home we started discussing music by what type it was.  each song that would come on we would try to type it and then i was like each song can have elements of each type in it too and and then we went down the type rabbit hole  once again.

back at home, adriel and sloan were supposed to be asleep but they weren't.  i plugged in my phone and then burst in their door and yelled in my best manly rapper voice "fuh real! fuh real!" they both were like "oh my gosh! aunty laura we are trying to sleep!"  and i was like "fuh real fuh real!".  then i went to the washroom and came back and burst in and did fr fr again and they groaned again and they burst into my room and did it...and whoever left the fr fr comment has given me my favourite new thing to say this season. anyways we watched the end of the family guy.  then we went to bed.  i read 6 pages of book of mormon before succumbing the heavy sleepiness that was tugging at me, around 12.  this morning awake at 6ish once again.  a cold has set up residence in my body.

oh before i came downstairs sarah made me gargle collodial (sp?) silver and i don't know why but it was making me laugh and i kept swallowing it. 

today is the day my hair becomes a curly ball around my head.  a fat head with fat curls.  let it be done.  let it be so.
