
today a miracle: after a year and a half of owning this car, today--today the fm radio suddenly works.  this after the fan breaks and a myriad of other things go wrong.

today when i was driving to the pool, the sky glowed golden to the west as the sun lowered in the sky.  everywhere else it was raining hard and the sky was dark.  this made for beautiful rain and a rainbow.  i felt thankful.

in aqua zumba...another staff joined us--chris.  i'm a mover in the pool.  like i almost squished a kid behind me.  like squished him against the wall because i was backing him up and pinning him to the wall of the pool without knowing it.  sorry kid.

my lower back feels like a stiff board.


Katie said…
Haha--that must have been a bit awkward poor little pinned kid