maybe you shouldn't...

too late. you did.

there has  never been enough air for me under the blankets.  how do people do it?  and how do people sleep on their stomachs? no aaaair.

just discovered: my duvet smells like stale salty human. time to do some laundry.  where is neil when i need him.  oh neillll!

i should go on another cruise.  "i should do a great many things". who said that and in what movie?  ...or something like that.

right now i'm laying in bed with my laptop on my chest and typing with my elbows awkwardly poked out at sharp angles.  i have pulled my braid across my brow and tucked it behind my ear so as to give an impression of a braided uni-brow.

i have heartburn.  i have a heart that burns.

i have depleted the stores of energy, creativity, caring.  i am a barge and i need a man with a long pole to push into the river bed and move me along, singing low.  i am. i need. i want.

here are some pics i've been doing in between doing other pics.  pics are my life.
when lovers vandalize ancient buildings it's picture worthy.  this is the qatiby citadel in alex. and this was in an area that must have been more romantic than others because this is where the lovers expressed by smitten hand and sharpie, their loves.  do you think it was radwa or mohamed that wrote this? were they on a school field trip? did they sneak to lover's corner? who knows? maybe  fatma loved mohamed but was too shy to write her own name so she used her best friend's name, and then maybe mohamed saw it and fell for radwa and fatma was left alone and sad.  poor fatma.  yusef likes you, but you don't know it.
 i love this pic.  here we see the sad fatma taking radwa and mohamed's photo.  she acts brave and cheerful.  but inside she is miserable.  but who takes the pic of fatma taking the pic? yusef.  yusef is saddest of all.  just talk to her yusef.
 egyptian pigeons fly over a wall.  radwa and mohmed feel the beat of their wings is like the beating of their hearts.
 i'm a wall and i'm a witness to love and to loneliness.
 we are also witness.
 me too.
and this is are my life.


amyleigh said…
"I should have been a great many things, mr so and so", said by Jo March in Little Women, when in engaging in debate about why women should have the vote and being told by mr. so and so that she should have been a lawyer.
amyleigh said…
gorg pics. GORG. gorge?
Yusef has my sympathies...
mudsy said…
So beautiful--- so poetic, so poignant, so painful-----and you are so precious & beautiful