i was away from work so long that i forgot to even set my alarm  for my first morning back.  izzy's needle nose paws digging into my hip woke me up and i jumped out of bed fast when i saw the clock was 8:45.  amazingly i was at work by 9:02. pretty good if you know that my drive to work is about 10 minutes long.  pretty bad if you know i didn't brush my teeth first.  there's no rule against brushing your teeth at work guys. (but honestly i forgot once i was there)

new year's resolution: take better care of my teeth and gums.  2015 the year of floss!

....i fell asnooze on the couch and then had young weemins...can you believe the last time i was in young weemins sarah and bethany and amy were my girls? blows.my.mind.

anywiggles.  now i have to sleep.


Unknown said…
ahhahahahahahahaha! too funny!
amyleigh said…
I know!! those were good y.weemins days.