posthumous flibberty jibbetting

what a gorgeous day it is today.  i feel blessed to be alive on a day like today.  this morning as i was waltzing out to the kitchen in my skimpies to feed the furballs their morning repast, i turned my head and caught a glimpse of the sun burning up the row of japanese maples that line the park path.  they were aflame with light and colour and they were so beautiful it made me gasp.  i'm in love with today. it's so sunshiney and mild.  there were nine lady bugs on my outside wall and stairs when i cam home from church.  how is it that lady bugs are so beloved?  i don't know, but i smiled on them as i passed because the world smiles at lady bugs.

church.  i'm so happy at church.  today carmen and evan sat on either side of me and we played church hangman.  carmen periodically reached over and fed evan a smartie or two or a cheesie.  there were some really good talks.  i said the closing prayer and i almost forgot.  i had my head bowed and everything and then i remembered that it was me and i jumped up.  luckily i sit not too far from the front.

i was pleased with my accessorizing today.  sarah might have caught me gazing at my bracelets with pleasure and might have said "congratulations". to me.  it might have happened.  i was wearing my black knee length skirt that has a pattern of white flowers on it.  it's the gauzy overlay type skirt.  you know the kind. i wore a black top with 3/4 length sleeves and my red cardigan that is not a sweater and has no buttons so is technically not a cardi, but what is it? over top.  i wore my green jade pendant on a short chain that dangled the jade just above the boat neckline of my black top.  green and red you ask?  it's not christmas! you exclaim.  get over yourself.  red and green are complimentary colours.  open your minds. let it happen.  then i dug through my bracelets and found a black bracelet with red gold and green detailing (a christmas gift, after all) and inspired by kimme's wrists on our photo shoot, i grabbed a gold rene bangle and added it to the combo.  that's all i need to be pleased with myself.  it all came together, don't you see? the red, the black, the green and the gold?  must have been led by the spirit.  must have.

today was our first practice for the primary presentation.  of course i couldn't print it out at church.  because i have open office, not office, it came up all symbols and gobbledy goop.  luckily i had my lap top and so the kids just read off of that.  i just love our kids so much.  i had such a good time sitting there, beaming at them while we sang, and helping them do their parts.  i see their eyes on me and i love it when i can shoot some adoration into their eyes and see it linger there for a minute and brighten up their faces.  they make me want to be so good and faithful and true.  how can you feel anything different when such purity is watching you with so much trust?  i feel honoured to have even a tiny influence.

i quit my paper route.  it was time.

and now the sun ball is firing up this tree from the other side.

gorge right?  well i have lots more to say but as they say the time is far spent and the day is done.  i've been to the women at the well musical fireside and i've eaten too many wagon wheels.  don't ask.  one more burning bush photo and i bid you adieu.  adieu, adieu, to yu and yu and yu-eh.

ps. i shall dance a flibberty jibbett on bethany's grave. sarah will join me, be we spirits or living. want to join us?  you must pass a flibberty jibbett audition.

pps. amy will make my grave stone out of river rocks.  she will carve them with her tears. she will do this partly by drinking vinegar and chopping onions.

ppss.  bethany will also sculpt me an angel with her tears.  it is right.  it is just.  let it be so.


Sarah-Lynn said…
lol!!! Way to leave off the post with some wonderful ps's. Auditions will be held at the next family reunion.
Karey said…
I love those pics. So beautiful!!!
I feel honored and blessed to have you and stott dance the flibberty-gibbet on my grave.
i love japanese maples. when i have my own place, i am planting one.
being in primary has really made me love the kids too!