return of the trampies.

it's a beautiful almost fall morning and it's a saturday and i'm lounging in bed.  i don't mean to brag but....mmmph...twisty stretch.....ahhh...fluffy duvet rustle....yawn....this is the life.

yesterday i came home from work after stopping to buy yet another bag of cat litter--why do they have to do things like poo and pee and vomit??  once home, i resisted the urge to sleep.  friday afternoons have a powerful sleepy voodoo for me.  last friday i went for a half hour napiloo at 3pm and ended up waking up after 7pm  thinking it was morning and why did i sleep in my clothes?  i had to do my paper route the next day.  shhh don't tell.  well the urge was strong yesterday but i fought it for a couple of hours of world wide web surfing and then forced myself to a 18 minute ttap work out.  start with the slumpies end with all the energy of the world and bounce through your paper route like a girl on fire (that's my song. sorry katniss.  this girl is on fi-YAH! this girl is on fi-YAH-eh-ehhh!)--that was my plan and it worked.  i didn't get out on my route until almost 6 and by the time i was on the last stretch the twilight was deepening into darkness and i was feeling the occasional drop of rain and them bam! it started to rain hard.  you know what?  it felt good.  it seems unwise to say, knowing what novembers can be like around here, but as the rain bounced off the road and smacked into my skin, and rolled down my cheek, over my lip and into my mouth, i thought "oh yeah--rain. i  missed you rain. welcome back."  rolling my mostly empty cart (i ALWAYS have too many papes. sometimes a whole extra bundle.  grrrr) through the dark park, my t-shirt was so wet it was sticking to my stomach.  and when i looked at myself in the kitchen mirror--don't you have a kitchen mirror??--i saw that my t-shirt, a light blue had become a shocking sheer.  thank you darkness for your protection.

i still had so much energy after the 2 hour route and nothing to electrocute with it, but luckily bethany called and i was able to sizzle her with some of it.  much of my method consisted of dying old man speech and random creepy creature of darkness speeches, both of which i very much enjoyed and i'm sure bethany simply adored as well.  frankly she knows how adorbs i am and it pleases her.

i would just like to say that while writing the above paragraphs i have endured over 5 minutes of continuous gross sounds coming from my neighbour's bathroom, aka my bedroom wall, consisting of phlemmy, barfy coughs, violent horks, and vicious nose blowing in many various and horrifying combinations.  cross your figers, i think i have weathered the storm.  the storm of putrid grossness that my neighbour inflicts on me from time to time.

well it is time to share more tramp pics.   the facts of the case are these.  after a taste of tramp pics, one always wants more.  and on a lazy sunday summer afternoon, delanie, sarah, madeloop and i were all squished on madelaine's bed looking at pics on my lap top and we determined once and for all to take some more tramp pics.  here is a sample of what was accomplished.  i think you will agree that we are rad and maybe awesome as well, you might even want to say things like 'adorbs' and 'amazeballs'.  i won't stop you.

in this first pic we were still ridding the tramp of chilluns.  sarah, while rocking a good hip and butt tuck jump, ruthlessly knocks over baby and madelaine tells her so.
 trampies in full swing.  let the chillun see and learn from their amazing examples on how to rock a tramp.  delanie is a particular tramp genious as you will see.
 no words.

 the amazing thing about this picture is the seemingly impossible position of delanie's leg.  like is she some sort of jumping trampoline barbie that someone tore off her leg and put it back on backwards??  is there any other possible explanation.  no.  no there isn't.  also need to say this "fierce madelaine--fierce."
 note it all.  then note noah laying under the tramp.
ahhh the faces!  the FACES.  they kill me.

 in this one i think everyone has stretchy noodly elasti-legs.
 also delanie is in fact a genious and she cannot go unsung any longer.
a change of positions.  let's go to colour, shall we?

 ok.  they're just frozen in space.  it's weiwd.  to me, in this particular oddity one,  a giant named delanie takes a rest on a roof top resting her foot on a tree while a giant named sarah get's hung from a tree branch with her snarly claws and a giant named madelaine chills, on the ledge of the house, comforting giant sarah with a nice pat-pat on her knee.  if you see a different story, tell it.

delanie charges in to do a SMACK DOWN!
 madeloopee and sarah collide
so the sun was making them squint so i had them close their eyes and open them when i said to, all together, but with their eyes closed i mentioned something funny, something that had happened on the tramp i think and this was the look on their faces.  i had to click it.  the memory of fun and hilarity plays out on their faces.  i love it. i have to say it---adorbs!

 we ended it all with the mandatory animalistic crawl.  yes they were actually roaring.  yes i told them to.  yes sarah looks quite scary.  yes.  yes.


Delanie C said…
Oh Laura! I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my cheeks! These are even funnier than the first ones. This whole post had me laughing out loud from start to finish. Thanks for the good laugh on a Saturday morn.
amyleigh said…
I cannot even tell you how much I laughed and how much I enjoyed those pics. HILAR