hi.  i'm so tired right now.  zzzzzz.

i'm at work catching up on so you think you can dance and bawling while i'm at it.  it's just so moving you know? gah... i feel drained.

so what to even say.  i feel so disconnected from blogging right now.  lately i've been watching a lot of dvds.  last night i watched sound of music.  and so of course i'm riddled with outbursts of "they're gone! deediddledeetdeetdeetdeetdett, deetdiddledeetdeetdeet, wahwaah whawaaah, bumbumba bumba bummm..."  you know what i'm saying.

one day i thought maybe someone bought me a lap top.  someone secret and annonymous.  but it turned out to be a strange mix up.  it looks like i need to go longer without computer access at home.  i can dig it.  i'm trying to be patient about it.  the hardest part is that i can't do photo stuff.  maybe i should look into a way to edit photos somewhere else.  maybe it's possible.  yah never know.

i sang with the sister's/women's choir on saturday night stake conference.  it was special.  it was spiritual.  i have a new devotion and heart connection with the hymn 'more holiness give me'.  it is a perfect prayer--the essence of a certain longing.  practicing it and singing it changed me.  i don't know if i've ever had a connection like that to a choir piece i've performed.  can i say it again? i must.  i love choir.

krystal made me laugh.  she was asked who was sitting in the empty space beside her and she put her arm around the empty space and said "it's....it's my choir best friend."  i totally get that because you don't necessarily know the person beside you, but you know them.

the solstice moon was full, luminous and larger than life in the twilight as we drove home that night.  it was perfect.  lately i've been thinking a lot about the perfection, grace, mercy and powerful pure love that is deep in the heart of all of God's creations.  from that moon to the graceful arch of a hemlock bow.  sometimes it hits me hard and makes me emotional.  God is just so much love and his creations reflect it.  they shine it.

in other news i lost 80.00  in the desperate hope that i lost it on my dining room table, i cleaned the mountain of paper off of it.  not there.  i really hope i find it because, well it's 80 bucks.  that's like a month of paper routing.  i was thinking of quitting the route but i think i'll hold on to it a bit longer.  my respite job just hasn't become regular yet.  i'm working, or trying to work with this family that i really like and i really want to help them--especially the mom.  i just really feel for her, but i don't know if it's possible or not.

sometimes i feel a little lost. 


Beth-a-knee said…
oh no-- hope you find the 80 bucks! loosing money is the worst. And it could have went towards getting a laptop. you NEED a laptop!
amyleigh said…
once I left $75 bucks in a shoe store. It was tragic.

I must thank you for transferring the sound of music climax music into my head. dun DUN...dunDUN...DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUNDUN! deetdiddledeetdiddledeetdeetdeet - indeed!

I love that hymn too. I fell in love with it over playing it on the piano.

I LOVE what you said about God's creations and how we reflect God's love. Love it!!!

Every time I've felt lost, something has eventually come up that brings clarity...maybe sometimes it's necessary to feel lost so that we recognize it when we aren't? only a temporary unknown...