
today was a sunny day and a thrift store day. mom, katie and i went to 3 or 4 places plus the recycling place store.  i hit many a jackpot and came home with lots of bags but i was the only one who was so successful.

in the middle of our shopping we met brent at wendy's for lunch.  i had the portabello bacon burger. brent felt this was a walk on the wild side.  yah i'm wild like that with all my fast food choices.  it's not wrong, it's just different.

after a delisheroo dinner of salmon, caesar, rice and cheesy broccoli, mom, dad, katie and elizabeth and i headed out on a trip to best buy.  brent was gone with one of the vans and the other van's keys so we all squished into my little duck.  squishing in was not the big problem.  the big problem was this: it was freezing out (i forgot my coat at home btw.), there are no working interior lights in my car, and two of the seatbelts were somewhere in the depths of the underbelly of my ducky's cushions.  there was a lot of tugging and clutching and in the end i got the seats folded forward so katie could reach but there was some help needed from the trunk, so naturally i dove in head first to accomplish this task this required my feet and bum sticking out in the air as my head was in the bowels of the back seat cushions.  all fine and good except that my body had become a teeter totter and the fulcrum was where my regina triangle was resting on the lip of the trunk.  as i was coming to grips with the scraping downwards that was going to have to happen to get out of the trunk, i hear dad calling me from the front seat.  "laura!"  "what?" i answer but he doesn't hear me over the other people talking. "laura!"  "what-WHAT?" i made myself heard.  "could you come close this door, it's getting cold in here."  this is when mom explains that i'm currently head first in the trunk.  lol.  i decided to forget being gentle with the region and to just go for it and as i was attempting to do so katie gave me a few tugs.  and in the absence of grace, i got out.

then mom couldn't get her seatbelt on and katie had to buckle her in.  "boy i thought it would be a couple more years until i had to start buckling my parents in."  declared katie.  dad was amused by this.

eventually dad got his phone.

i want to sleep but i have so much to do!  


LeashyLoo said…
Katie's comment about buckling your mom in tickled my funny bone!
Beth-a-knee said…
hehe! Sounds like classic Laura. I'm glad Jamima is getting initiated into the fam.