i'm starting again for the umpteenth time in my life.  and i'm grateful for the chance to try again.  and i hope that all my failures, my falling short of the mark will not define me, but the trying again, the never giving up, the rising each time i fall, to get up and win the race--i hope i find character in that.
i'm not talking about anything great or big.  just me.  just my life.  just a re-committal to scripture study, prayer, exercising, sleep, creativity, etc.  my spiritual and physical lives have been neglected as of late and i've been all out of balance.
i felt that familiar feeling of being trapped in dull nothingness.  numbness.  emptiness.
i prayed.  i cried.  i repented.  i plead. 
 and i was comforted.
 i felt hope and hopeful.
 i felt the power again to change, the will to change.  i knew what i had to do.
 i heard in a movie the other day, that if a woman changes her hair she is going to make changes in her life.  but i don't want to cut my hair.  i hope i don't have to cut my hair to change.  it just got long!
 i hope i can be bare and wild and free.  i hope i can unleash the beautiful wilderness inside of me.  "laura the wild look suits you." said my mom to the teenage me.


amyleigh said…
I think the power we all have access to is that there is never a point where you CAN'T start again, and we all have the choice to decide that the past doesn't define you - it's not who you are, it's who you were - and it's helped to push you to this moment of truth and re-definition! I know very much how you feel and I know you can and will unleash the beautiful wilderness inside you.
this is just such a beautiful post. I've felt this way so many times. Love the photos but a small part of me raised her head minor affront at Owen's baby pictures representing your dark moments. haha. (j/k).
I love your hair short. But that quote from a movie about women changing/cutting their hair is true only in movies.
Laura said…
owen is about starting fresh--like a baby! thanks guys. we have kindred feelings sometimes