i'm going to bed and i just thought you should know that that is what i am about to do.

today's been a good day.  i studied my scriptures in the morning.  i had lots of energy and good will at work.  i did some needful banking. i did some sweating to ttapp in the evening.  i ate a wedge of tomatoe tart, some snap peas with hummus and some cottage cheese and peaches for supper.  i've washed my face, brushed my teeth, and applied a moisturizer.  i don't want to brag, but today i have it all together.  i've dotted my i's and crossed my t's. today i feel like i'm back on track.

mondays are the easiest day to be a productive member of society and a wholesome well rounded person. tomorrow? tomorrow is a whole different battle.

review of a bird day with amy: (taken with ol' paps, my film pentax from circa 1962)


Beth-a-knee said…
how is it that everyone has ttapp? i want it so bad! how do i get it?? HOW?!
Laura said…
i ordered it from the website
amyleigh said…
you inspire me to dot my i's and cross MY t's. so thank you. aww, I like those pics too. is that the time the chickadee landed on my hand??
Sarah-Lynn said…
bethany, Delanie burned me a copy, you can try it out when you come to visit!! I believe I had it together on Monday too. then everything changed...
why didn't delanie burn me a copy?? i want one!