tyooona myeltz


did the dishes, swept and mopped the floor and made lunch.  now i'm back.  hi.  one thing i notice about getting better sleeps is this--my 'doing things' drive and creative juices are returning. welcome back guys!  let's live life together!

haha, if you can't be a geek on your own blog, when can you?  i would like to report my progress on eating my groceries and so i will go ahead and do so.

snack#1: banana
meal #1: sugar peas and hummus and curly fries (don't judge)
meal #2: banana and crunchy almond maple cereal.
snack #2: asian pear
meal #3: mushroom rice burgers on whole wheat buns
meal #4 cottage cheese with peaches
snack #3: handful of sugar peas
meal #4: tuna melt deluxe.

let me tell you about these tuna melts.  the thing is, i bought too many mushrooms and i'm worried about them going bad.  mushrooms don't last long man.  so as i was going to make the melts i said to myself, "ooooh, how about some garlicky mushrooms in your tuna melts?!" and with this thought i gave myself a mental high five.  so this was my tuna melt: sprouted wheat bread, dijon mustard (i have 3 dijons and this particular one has a major BITE), tuna mixed with plain greek yogurt and chopped onions, aged white cheddar, garlic shroomies and some slices of vlassic picles.  hello.  next time i'd do more mushrooms and maybe no pickles because the pickles are a bold flavour (which i love) but it takes away from the shrooms, which need a voice too.  anyway it was delish.

from my cell: amy thinks about tuna melts with garlic shrooms and pickles
 mom has ambivalent feelings about it.  she just wishes someone would make her a sandwich for once
 steve loves a good sandwich.  unfortunately this is not a tuna melt...
 one can buy groceries at safeway if one wants to, but they're pretty expensive.  i opted for superstore this time.
 adriel uses his chubby man fist to fill his chubby cheekses.

heather gets a little excited when it comes to good foods.
 bethany looks forward to the tuna melts of the future
 "well, i just never expected you to put both mushrooms and pickles in your sandwich, that's all", explains jawn as he endeavours a smooth shave.
 dad chats with his cronies making tennis dates  on the phone "i don't know what the big deal is, just eat it and be quiet for once!" he mutters
 christian would like to suck your blood.  this saddens me because i'd rather offer him a sandwich.
 amy is hopeful, for what, we don't know.  maybe she wants a good tuna melt.
 this is where you buy the foods guys.
 "now i warned you the pickles would be too much but you wanted things your own way" admonishes auntie heather
"are you done?  i tire of this." sighs amy formerly of the red eye
ok i'm done.  but it doesn't mean i won't be back!


amyleigh said…
but...how dare you!!! The red eye?! why must that be documented so ...thoroughly?!!! it is a ghastly sight.
hahaha I guffawed and chuckled over this whole post, but John's pic is one of my faves...
I hope you do more such posts. A genius way to re-introduce new photos if I may say.
amyleigh said…
*old photos.
amyleigh said…
haha! Auntie Heather too!!!
hahaha! so funny. john. dad's muttering. auntie heather was perfect! amy's hope. adriel so fat and cute!
Sarah-Lynn said…
That was hilarious!! And so unexpected. I enjoyed each picture thinking surely this must be the last and yet it kept going, each one making me laugh again and again. "Bethany looks forward to the tuna melts of the future..." and those ones of Adriel? I miss that baby. I forget sometimes. And jawn, that was a good one. I could go on and on... Definitely do more of these!!!