25 of may

one day katie came to town with brent.  while brent was doing work stuff,  katie and i had good times in the pool.  these bizarrities are the result of that time. enjoy
 not my crazy eyes on the top right

so i was trying to whip my hair from side to side and instead wrapped around my head...

 please find katie in the pic top right.
 please find me in the top pic


hilarious! love the hair whip ones.
Sarah-Lynn said…
those we awesome, I too love the hair whip ones. Are those of Ariel when she gets her legs and she comes out of the water for her first breath? Also, I'm curious about Katie's bathing suit, did she secretly get a new one??
amyleigh said…
hahaha! awesome. Cute and funny!
Andrea said…
I have such beautiful and fun and crazy sisters!