a mudsy and the 7 sisters

i don't edit photos on sunday unless they're family photos because then i'm working on family stuff.  so i spent a couple sundays doing these pics of our celebration of katie's 40th.  i have gloriously beautiful sisters, and a beautiful mom. sisters are special.  each one is a piece of my heart.  i love them all so much.

this one would have been nice if it wasn't blurry.  oh well.
as i was running towards the group after setting the timer, i grabbed at a queen anne's lace and uprooted the whole thing, which amused me and distracted me, as you can see.
sisters milling in a sunny field, glory shining all around, through and in them.

the mom series:

we moved from the field to the bridge.  the very one we tubed to earlier that day.  mom posed herself like so.  i could not bring myself to change it.  as you can see i'm actually not very good at arranging groups.  we are a knot of wheemen on the bridge. still i like it but i wish i could see andrea's mouth.
sarah's joy causes her to do things sometimes.
the katie series:

the end


katie said…
Some of these are amazing! I really have such beautiful sisters.
mudsy said…
Love them !!!My favs are the group shots in the field and on the bridge. The ones of Katie jumping are priceless---especially leap frogging over Martha. The 2 later one's of Katie & Andrea together are stunning.
When you edit, how about erasing a few wrinkles and giving me a bit of colour.
I love them! Thanks for giving my chin some definition! I can't believe you listened to my whining but I preeshiate it! I love the ones with mudsy and the ones with katie. But where are the ones when we were all sitting on the ground and I was lying in front? you know, when katie lambasted me with her foot?
amyleigh said…
Love them!! They are so stunning! Everybody is gorgeous and the light is amazing...so, so beautiful Laura!
katie said…
lambasted you with my foot?!
Tracy said…
Wow, girls you all are so beautiful! And Laura you know how to capture the beauty. I love so many of them, but mostly I loved the ones of Martha. She looks so warm and happy.
Tracy said…
Wow, girls you all are so beautiful! And Laura you know how to capture the beauty. I love so many of them, but mostly I loved the ones of Martha. She looks so warm and happy.
Tracy said…
Wow, girls you all are so beautiful! And Laura you know how to capture the beauty. I love so many of them, but mostly I loved the ones of Martha. She looks so warm and happy.