in which i read too many food blogs

i got up at nine and spent the morning on my couch lounging on the computer looking at mostly food blogs, one after another.  around noon my neighbour judy called to say she's heard of this special filter her ex-husband told her about when he worked in a smoky bingo hall.  judy likes to solve all the house problems.  she sent the bruce up with the name of the filter. that meant i had to rouse myself and put on shorts and bra before the bruce arrived.  after being thus roused i decided to eat.  i wasn't ready to tackle the clear pool of frothy cat bile outside the bathroom door but i was ready to eat.  yesterday i made such a delicious fantastic german pancake that i resolved to do so again today.  german pancakes are nothing but eggs, flour, milk |(powdered in my case), salt and butter.  these are the things dreams are made of.  so i whisked and whisked and whisked.  as i whisked i thought "who needs a whisk when you have a fork?"  "well if you have a whisk, the rounded edges are handier.." and so the whisking was done.  the butter was bubbling in the cast iron pan in the oven and when i poured the batter over it, the butter embraced it whole heartedly.

my oven seems to run hot, but how am i to really know because there is no temperature dial.  still i only set the timer for 15 minutes instead of 20 and set about to eat a ripe yellow mango while i waited.  yellow mangoes are my favourite. as i devoured the flesh i analyzed what exactly made the mango sublime.  it's the perfumed sweetness combined with the juiciness of the silky mango meat i surmised.  God does make good gifts.  speaking of Him, i was supposed to be studying my scriptures while eating my mango, but the mango rapture overtook me and i was distracted until suddenly it was gone and all that was left was a gnawed pit and two wilted skins.  then i studied.  and then the timer went.

the poofiness always delights me.  i ran to grab a camera but it had fallen by the time i returned.  yesterday i ate one half plain because i love the buttery saltiness on it's own and one side with melted peanut butter.  for once i felt that the peanut butter was not right.  so today i had both sides with sprinkled brown sugar and squeezed lemon.  so satisfying to the last drop. who thought of sugar and lemon juice?  a genious, that's who.  and then i studied some more.

yesterday the sun shone and my house was smokey and icky.  i made a resolve to get away.  so i grabbed my elicia blanket, my little cheap digicam, my phone, swiss family robinson, my journal, my morning pages, a book about questions, a pillow and my sunglasses and headed into the park.  i found a nice spot by some trees on a rise of ground and settled in.  just being outside in the sunshine under the blue sky and the green leaves with little breezes so uplifted me.  i spent three hours just reading swiss family and taking occasional pics and felt so at peace and so nice.


Karey said…
love the pics :)

I think you sould make me some German pancakes next time i come.
I'm glad that you included your observations about the whisk vs fork, and about the butter embracement. German pancake sounds sooo good.
amyleigh said…
I love german pancakes. I've always wanted to have them again with that absolutely diabolical orange you remember that? we finished it off one family reunion at the Stussi's. Anehways.

What a lovely day in the park! I would have liked to be companionably reading a book/writing/drawing beside you. You're cute n' pretty in the pics too btw.
Laura said…
hey that syrup was made years before by my friend barrrrb. we just need to get the recipe from her!