blah blah blahbbity

everybody loves my new blond fluffy hair.  not that's it's fluffy all the time--but who's kidding who fluff is where it's at with my hair so why not go for it?

i just finished watching a movie that bethune recommended.  it was cute and funny.  sometimes it would be nice to just stay in movie land for a while.  sometimes i feel a reluctance to deal with my real life.  my heart's full of dreams but my butt is full of lead.  you know how it is.  one of the dreams of my heart is haida gwaii.  i've wanted to go there since i was a little kid and mom and dad came back from there with rock candy and stories of the beaches.  the more i find out about it the more i want to go.  i want it all--the rain forests, the beaches, the ancient haida stuff--everything.  i also want to explore new mexico and the cave dwellings in the mesa verde areas.  also i want to cover my walls with art and photos.  also i want to explore basically the world.  see everything.  eat it up and metabolize it.  bathe in it and breath it and live it.  i want to learn how to do cool artsy pics of intense emotion and gorgeous light and maybe crazy hair and make up. i want to go to wild places where i can be wild and feel the greatness of God.  i don't know if i'll live long enough.  especially at the rate i'm going.  i have other dreams too.  my heart's big with them.

today i was talking to an old friend and i was thinking that you shouldn't be afraid of people.  shouldn't be afraid of being kind to people.  i know that sounds kind of strange, but i realized that when i was younger i may have treated some people less than kind because i was afraid that if i was kind to them what they would think.  but why shouldn't i treat everyone kindly and like they count and that they are real.  because they do and they are.  this might only make sense to me but i'll keep for my non-posterity's sake.

the other day my front neighbour pat rattled my screen door.  i was watching so you think you can dance in the bedroom and so it was a few minutes before i got to the door and he was part way down the stairs already.  he asked if he had woken me up.  i assured him no.  he asked if he could borrow some pepper and i gave him my shaker.  he gave me some frozen ribs.  judy told me that pat was weird and to stay away from him when i first moved in.  but so far he's given me ribs for pepper, left me his number when i was injured, during which time he also brought my mail to my door and took my garbage and recycling in from the road for me, all without me saying a word, and not creepily either.  so until i see evidence to the contrary i'm going to think of him as a good person.

tomorrow i volunteer at the bc summer games with the fat one.  we are writing news articles.  our sport is beach volleyball.  i'm nervous.  fatima is blase.  i want to be prepared.  she says i can figure it out as i go. i want examples.  she says i'm thinking about it too much.  why are we always opposites?


I want to go to Haida Gwaii too!! I've wanted to for a long time too, ever since Ben told me about the little deer. We should go!

As for the cool artsy pics, well! You are well on your way to achieving that dream, I'd say. Mebbe you should take a photography class or somethin.

I understand what you mean about being kind to people. And your neighbour pat sounds nice.

Have fun at the bc summer games! I get the same way before I do something new, I want to know everything I can about it so I am perfectly prepared. Good luck labee!
amyleigh said…
I think you already DO the cool artsy pics. You should be a photographer for a travel agency or lonelyplanet or something...your travel dreams and photography all in one!

Your neighbour Pat sounds nice. I recently heard from a very wise source to always trust your experience over words.

I had never heard of Haida Gwaii until the sister weekend. Now I want to go too! We should do it!