a weekend to myself--on my own, the river's just a river...

last night i treated myself to a movie.  it was pay day after all.  lisa always  tells me that you should get to the theater approximately an hour early.  lisa looks down on those who arrive just the before the movie begins.  i had nothing to do and i was hungry so i got there an hour early.  and it wasn't busy at all.  no line ups.  i had my ticket, my pizza pizza, my frozen yogurt and i was standing in front of the ticket ripping girl all within maybe five minutes.  "uh they won't start cleaning the theater for this movie until half an hour.  you'll have to come back."  "i can't wait in the hallway?" i asked, wondering where i would consume my foods.  "no, sorry."  some other girl piped up about trying to keep crowds out of the hall yadda yadda.  "i understand," i said.  i started walking towards the back door.  maybe i could sit on the steps and eat and read the movie magazine.  just as i reached the door another girl ran up to me.  turns out there  was a line up for snow white and the huntsman so i was allowed to go into the hall after all.  needless to say i was first in line.  i felt like kind of a dweebe.  so i sat down and ate my foods and returned heather's call.  we chatted for while and eventually people joined me in line and i didn't feel like a dweebus anymore.  i was the first one in the theater and i chose my favourite seat.  the ones where you can put your feet up on the bars.  i don't often get to sit there because most people like to go closer to the back.

so first of all, there's a new les mis movie coming out!  a musical.  can'twait,can'twaitcan'twait.  second of all the movie was good.   i liked the interpretation.  i liked it all.

today i had a good morning.  i wrote morning pages and i really needed to.  i had so much whirling around in my head.  after all the morning stuff was taken care of i decided to go on an adventure so i drove out to tsawwassen to this park that had these stairs to the beach that my bishop told me about.  there's 200 steps and they are very steep and today they were very muddy in some spots.  some slippery spots.  i expected something gorgeous at the bottom.  but where i found myself was the other side of the tswwassen beach looking towards the ferry and highway 17.  the tide was so far out that boats were littered along the beach as far as the eye could see.  there were some nice homes though. i looked around a bit and then ventured to take the stairs back up.  apparently if you do the trail 10 times in a row, you've done the equivilent to the grind.  well i went up and up and up and just when i thought my legs couldn't bear me any longer i was at the top. there were a lot of people doing continuous rounds of the stairs.  i took a break and walked along the road for a while looking at the houses and getting some normal feeling back in my legs.  then i decided to go back.  it was raining by this point so i decided not to do the muddy part--i did the top steep stairs 2 or 3 more times, met a lady who asked me about my shoes, did some stretches, felt good and drove back to richmond.

picked ups some fresh local strawberries at the steveston farm produce place.  so perfect and delicious and way better than the california cardboard.  picked up some other things too and bought some bread and cheese at save on.  then i came home and had 2 good hours of photo editing before my computer froze again.  sigh. what is wrong with this thing?


Sarah-Lynn said…
So, you went to see Snow White and the Huntsman? By yourself? I've never gone to a movie by myself.

Those stairs sound intriguing. So does the Grouse Grind. Mehbeh we should do them together sometime?
Laura said…
yeah! i love going to the movies by myself. mehbeh we should do them together if you are ever here and free to do some grueling stairs (the grind) and i'm fit enough at that moment in time.
mehbeh I will do the grueling grind with you two!
amyleigh said…
I love going to the movies by myself too! There's something adventurous and liberating about it :D
I wanna do the grind too.