there's a big beautiful moon out tonight.  my friend shauna picked up a wolf spider for me and took it outside.  it bit her and she had an allergic reaction and we spent the night in emergency at langley hospital doing crossword puzzles.  her dr. was a toolio.  we got out at 1am and in an effort to keep awake i started a game of name that tune with only church songs.  i would whistle it and then they would start singing it and i would join in and we'd sing as loud as possible.  i purposely only chose zippypippop songs.  when we got home at 2 both my feet and ankles were super swollen.  i think there's something wrong with me.  i mean besides the usual stuff.

it was a really special fast and testimony meeting today.  i felt such a swelling of the spirit.  it was a gift.  in primary i was teaching sharing time on prayer.  we sat on the floor in a circle and played telephone.  the first person was supposed  to say something you would pray and ask for help for.  someone said something nonsensical, of course, and i was sitting on the floor with them and had a moment--watching their faces and joining in on their giggles as the message went around.  a moment, like i'm so glad i'm here and i'm so in love with these children.  president d.l. said in his testimony to the children that they make the world such a better place and they soften our hearts. it's so true.  i had another moment as i stood with allen as he worked hard to quote the monthly scripture to me.  he had to repeat it so many times but he kept going and i had a moment like, i am doing something worthwhile.  i get to be with the valiant rising generation and watch in wonder at their greatness and nobility of spirit.  i get to make a difference even if it is in small ways.  i'm so glad that i'm in primary right now.


that sounds like quite the adventure with the wolf spider. Just one more reason to avoid them like the plague.

I am glad I'm in primary too. I'm learning a LOT. Hey I did sharing time yesterday too!
Karey said…
poor Shauna. something always happens to her. She's so good about it though.

I don't miss wolf spiders.
amyleigh said…
primary was my favourite place to be in church. I'm glad you're enjoying your calling, and it's not a 'small' difference you are making at all! Hey, when am I going to see the rest of the pics from your visit, incidentally?
Laura said…
don't worry amy, i'm working on them. i don't know when i'll put them up though. whenever i get done! :)
amyleigh said…
ok! just needed to know you hadn't forgotten about 'em :)
Sarah-Lynn said…
I agree, primary is a special place to be. They are so lucky to have you too!

Amy- I'm still waiting to see the pictures from mine and Laura's Utah trip two years ago...