i'm having computer problems and i haven't quite figured them out yet.  when i wrote figured i quelled the urge to write 'figgered'.  but now i've done it anyways so i win and i lose.  can't we all just get along?

the battle continues.

so far june has been a chilly month.  i want to get to a point when i am not counting down the days of the months for pay days to arrive.  i want to stop living for the two pay days of each month.  that's just a way for my life to pass me by.  i also want to put up all my heart--i mean art--i meant heart, but i think that would be fun to do with some sister collaberation. but there are no sisters here.  i'm sad about that.  i'm also sad that my peony is dying already.  probably because it's so COLD.

you may have figgered out by now that i have nothing to say. the truth is that i like to post on lazy mornings and i am having a lazy morning.  the truth is, it was time to give the vulnerability of flysoarshine a little rest.

i watched iron man two last night.  i had to reboot my computer numerous times almost too numerous to count.  almost.  probably 5 or 6 times and apparently i can't count higher than that.  i squashed the frustrated feeling and persevered.  then i watched some episodes of avatar the last air bender and then i read a little in the book i started while waiting and working on my computer and then my eyes rolled back in my head and i fell asleep.

riveting, i know.  don't be jealous.


Sarah-Lynn said…
It's been cold here too. hmph.
cold here too. sigh. But probably not as rainy. *smug*

My favourite part about Iron Man is Pepper Pots.
amyleigh said…
i AM jealous. how dare you.