pics from my walky-thought

 did you note the FLY???  i love the curlies on the dandelion.
it said 'love life' on my path.  and i title this last one 'fluffy white cloud'.


Sarah-Lynn said…
beeeeaaautiful!! I love spring. I love budding beautiful things. Spring is a small miracle, as all the dead things breathe life again.
Lady of Light said…
You are a budding budder of a bud, Laura.
amyleigh said…
those are breathtaking!! :O
LeashyLoo said…
I miss Spring in is so much more apparent than it is here. I agree with Amy, the pics are breathtaking.
amyleigh said…
labee you should tell karey to invite me to her blog reading list...please? I don't have her email address. or maybe she only wants certain people?
katie said…
laura those are amazing. i love the first ones and the dandelion curlies. i never noticed those before.