secrets and lies

secret numero uno: i set the fire alarm off three times this morning at seven thirty.  the fire alarm is earsplitting and uber sensitive.  there wasn't even smoke!  i was trying to make cookies in my gas oven that has no numbers on the dial, on what turned out to be fast sunday.  shhhh don't tell anyone.

secret doz: my bra wounded me.  i have an actual bra wound on my side that makes any support system, to say the least undesirable, and to say the most, painful.  so i go free and easy any time i can.  let's just keep this between you and me.

secreto trez: i moved all my living room furniture with the exception of the credenza (good work andrea) which, has found it's the way there's a shoe box of cards and postcards that once belonged to gramps and rene and i found a swedish postcard from ME in it!!!...i digress...i moved the couch, the tv, and the bookshelf all around and then finally back again, only the book shelf was slightly closer to the couch.  keep it on the down low peeps.  the DL.  the QT.  you get me?

secretario quatorzay: i forgot it was fast sunday.  one of my goals for this year was to have meaningful, deliberate fasts every month.  then our stake president said in stake conference that this was his goal too, making us fast buddies and on the same page and super teletically connected in our yearnings for better fasts. the cherry on top was that he used my all time favourite fast scripture in isaiah 58:5-12.  it has the best promises and i love love love it.  and i failed this month!  please don't blab on me to president sol.  if he finds out, i'll know it was you.

secreto cinco de mayo: i've worn the long dangly peacock feather earrings esther gave me for christmas twice.  these are a pair of daring danglies that hang just below my hair if i'm having a super curly day like today, or just above the hair line on less curly days.  one time i wore them to work where the concensus seemed to be that they were the type of thing a woman of loose morals and virtues would wear.  this was said in less favourable terms.  they thought it was super funny that i would be wearing loose girl earrings.  then i wore them to church today, where they were a super big hit with the kids especially but also with adults.  weiwd. do me a solid and  lock it in your hearts and throw away the key.

yesterday was a super boring stay inside day.  i didn't get much done except moving the furniture around fruitlessly.  at one point i was so frustrated with trying to figure it out and with arching prowling underfoot that i left and went on a walk around the park and my hood.  martha called and we talked while i walked.  the park by my house has these big flooded areas of the grass and the ducks and gulls like to dig about for tasties.  it's almost like the mudflats but there's no ocean.

friday night i baby sat carmen, evan and isabel.  we played a dancing thing on their x box which was super fun.  even isabel was getting the moves.  then we built a fort using the couch, the lazyboy, a kitchen chair, carmen's suitcase, all the cushions from the living room couch, and sheets.  we had various successful and unsuccessful anchors for the sheets.  the avacado and cheeseplate proved unsuccessful.  as we scraped the fallen shredded cheese of the cushion evan said " she's going to be so mad..."  then we read some dora books in our fort.

evan hurt himself in the earthquake (there was an eathquake) so i gave him an operation.  the operation is a tradition passed down to me from my older brothers and sister, and i passed it down to my younger siblings and now to their children. what happens is, if in the course of play someone is hurt and begins to cry, you call the ambulance and perform an operation.  the operation is drawing a face on the patient's belly, usually surrounding the bellybutton.  so carmen was my nurse as i operated. the result was evan cried.  he thought it wouldn't come off.  so i gave isabel an operation and then ended up drawing faces on everyone's hands and thumbs, all with my trusty red lip liner.

bed time went fine excpet isabel began to cry as soon as we began to pray and she didn't stop until about 30 minutes later.  i told carmen to pretend she wasn't there and to go to sleep.  amazingly this plan worked.  evan asked me to sing rolling in the deep as his bed time song.

when evan and esther got home esther and i worked at getting the head shots of isabel from my computer on to her computer.  i saved them to my memory card and then we put the memory card into their computer but their computer didn't read it, so then we hooked her laptop with the smashed monitor up to the other monitor and eventually this worked. then we couldn't get the card out.  it was stuck and stuck good.  esther even got her tweezers out and they proved useless and even got stuck in the slot as well. finally she gave up and pulled it out with her teeth.  what up eh?  it was broken  and so was the card reader on her laptop.

as for lies, there are none.  or are there????


Beth-a-knee said…
oh....I already told Pres. Sol all about it. oh well.

Isabel is such a doll, in't she? And Archie so cute. his face is so round.

The bra wound sounds painful! labee why do those things always happen to you uh?
amyleigh said…
Isabelle is kind of devastatingly pretty. Hehe, I think it's pretty funny that Evan cried about the face on his belly because he thought it wouldn't come off. When you think about it, that COULD be rather horrifying.

Thanks for sharing the juicy gossip - er....I mean, secrets. :D
Sarah-Lynn said…
I'm confused about the cookies at 7:30 am on fast sunday? Why? And how could you do that to Pres. Sol?? And a cheese avocado plate for an anchor? Was there nothing heavier?? The earrings are wonderful and should be worn more.
Laura said…
i was making thank you cookies for the people who helped me move. i made the dough the night before.
I really liked this post! I especially like your spanish! :D
those earrings are fantastic! they don't know what they're saying!
and isabel's pictures are GREAT!!!!!