almost a year ago...

almost a year ago, as you may or may not recall, i visited amy in the wonderland of tofino.  on my last morning there, as per our plan amy woke me up when it was almost light.  we stumbled around, grabbing warm clothes and got into shawn's truck and drove to the beach for the sunrise.  i'm so glad we did.  it was gorgeous and magical and the moon was just setting.  it was a perfect way to start my last day.

 long shadows rock.

 the small shadow is amy jumping.  rocks right?
ice on the sand.
 goodbye chesterman beach.  you made my heart thumpa thumpa.

later we had brunch at a first nation's resort restaurant and did stories while we waited.

back in today's world.  i took archie to the vet yesterday.  now i'm armless and legless and have to somehow give him pills, which is impossible when you have arms and legs, which i don't.


Lady of Light said…
umm what happened to your limbs??
Laura said…
i paid the vet in arms and legs.
wow i love the pictures of the setting moon. so cool. the jumping shadow ones are cool too!
Sarah-Lynn said…
I really like the rippled sand ones! Hello!
LeashyLoo said…
Oh Laura!!!! I just love them! They remind me of Roy Henry Vickers paintings! Tremendous!