big news

i've got big news:
1. i'm moving! i've never been happy with this place and the three dead rats laying by the gate on the side of the path don't sweeten the deal for me.  so once in a while i would look on craigslist but i didn't have much hope that i could find a nicer place that i could afford and that allowed fat felines.  but i was talking to mom one day and she has a firm testimony that God wants us to live in nice places that we can be happy in.  and it got me thinking.  so i began to pray about it and search more regularly and then one day i found this place.  a one bedroom suite on the second floor of a duplex.  2nd floor???  i was instantly into it.  so i made an appointment for the next day.  and the next day i met ken and saw what was to become my new home.  it's the upper back  side of a house that sits right beside a park.  it has a kitchen with lots of nicely made cupboards, and room for a table and chairs.  i'm looking for a table and chairs btw.  fyi.  gas stove, and wood floors and lots of light, carpet in the bedroom and a back PORCH, not to mention gardening options in the backyard.  it's smaller than this grow-op rat house but i think it's doable.  bathroom's even smaller if that's even possible.  i met the two downstairs neighbours who seem nice enough and have lived there a long time.  ken liked me.  i liked him and i liked the place.  and i got it!  by march i will be living there.

2. i'm done bethany's pics.  i would have a new post to brag about but after hours of uploading i went to publish and noticed that some pics that look gorge on my comp look way less gorge uploaded to the blog.  so i'm going to look into that before publishing.  but know that they are done!

3. last night just as the sun was making the sky a tapestry of light and colour i stopped at save on foods to get some food.  i had just recently come up for air on a day devoted to editing images to realize that all i had eaten was a cold pancake.   what i'm saying is i was hungry. famished.  and as a result i bought some things i wouldn't usually.  like TWO haagen das ice creams.  i wanted both dulce de leche and chocolate peanut butter but not at the same time.  well by the time i got home i realized what i had done.  my freezer was broken and the repair man was awol. this meant i had to eat them both in one sitting.  it did not feel good, let me tell you and i learned my lesson in greedy guts shopping.  this is technically not big news.

i leave you with some boring pics i took on a day when there was snow in my backyard temporarily covering the rats one of which was later eaten probably, judging by the paw prints in the snow, by another rat. (rats not pictured here.  use your imaginations)


i'm so excited to see the pictures! yay yay yay
Sarah-Lynn said…
GROSS about the rats and them being eaten by other rats. YUCK! What a waste to have to eat two hagen daaz in one sitting!! I remember how gross your bathroom smelt when you first moved into that place. That makes it worse, regardless of size.
LeashyLoo said…
Oh yay for finding a new place to live! Aside from it being small it sounds like it will be a much better place to live. I am so with you when you say that "God" wants us to live in good places.....I believe this now too! What a blessing! The snow pics are magical by the way!
Andrea said…
I can't wait to see your new place. And rats,.....ew! I remember when I was 4 and we lived in North Van and we had rats...
amyleigh said…
I love those photos. The green green grass! How did you manage to make that look special?

That's so exciting that you found a better place! I agree, that last place did not suite your energy at ALL. You deserve better. I'm excited to see it!!