bed sores

i've been sick.  just a cold, but a bad cold.  actually i don't know why people scoff at the common cold like it's nothing.  i know it's usually not fatal, but just because it's common doesn't mean you don't feel really sick.  that's the way i feel about it anyway.  i was hoping when i had the sore throat and nothing else for 3 or 4 days that it was just going to be a throat thing.  but then bang o rang, i got slammed and slammed hard.  a head cold and a chest cold.  two for the price of one.  i won't go into all the gory details but let's just say that i went through a box and a half of kleenex, my face, sinuses, eyes hurt continually, and i was chest curdling and coughing.  today i turned the bend away from the pit of illness towards the light of wellness.  now all that's left is the chest and and cough.  i pulled a muscle in my back from all the coughing.

i've been locked up in my house for 2 and a half days.  i'm so bored.  i can't stand the sight of my bed.  my fridge has been making horrendous noises the whole time.  i made a short trip to get human food and cat food today.  i had a shower before i left because i was totally dizgusting looking.  but i couldn't bring myself to do anything to my hair.  i just left it wet with no product.  out and about the healthy people i felt like the survivor of something.  my red and chapped nose and lips were my badges.  ...sometimes when i'm alone for too long i get too wrapped up in my own experience.  like it's not that dramatic.  i'm just sick and in a couple of days i'll feel so much better. it's just that i want you to feel sorry for me,so... ha

one good thing about being sick is how grateful i am for health when it returns.  health is a marvelous thing.  another good thing is that i've had a lot of time to work on photos.  i got a lot done yesterday.  i spent the whole day listening to the mormon channel and working on photos basically.  today i was too burnt out from that so i spent most of the day watching episodes of bones.  now i'm burnt out from that.  what's left?  that's why i'm writing this blog--just because i need something to do, but it hasn't been that satisfying, to tell you the truth.


amyleigh said…
I totally agree with you on the cold. I mean sometimes they can just completely waste you! I have no patience for scoffing of such things. I hope you are drinking plenty of steamy herbal tea!
Sarah-Lynn said…
Oh no. I feel the cabin fever setting in real good and hard. And sometimes when you're sick you need someone to know and to feel for ya. I feel for ya. Maybe a little late, but I do. I'm trying to right the wrongs I done you. Now I look forward to looking at your newly edited photos!!
yes, the cold sucks. who would welcome the curdling chest, the coughing, the mucous running out of your nose--it's an awful horrible thing!

and cabin fever. oh no.