wet cat nose smears

sometimes it's nice to spend a weekend with a friend.  not doing anything big.  just regular friend stuff.  i had a weekend like that this weekend with heather and it was great.

friday night we walked around the mall and i hemmed and hawed about christmas present possibilities.  only bought one little thing.  when the hunger pangs settled in we had dinner at earls.  she had the brie chicken apple fig sandwich that reminds me of leif at highcroft, but that's neither here nor there.  i had the pulled pork sandwich which had coleslaw and chipotle in it and even the bun was perfect.  purr-FEKT as heather says.  that's how they say it in the heartland.  for dessert gingerbread cake and cheesecake.  the cheesecake wasn't too cheesecakie but the gingerbread cake hit the spot.  you know the spot.  the gingerbread cake spot.  it was hit and hit big.

after earls we stopped at shopper's to get heather some earplugs.  they didn't work.  i always like to check my blood pressure.  so we did.  usually it's in the optimal range but last night it was barely normal.  heather on the other hand hardly had a pulse at all.  wiewd.

we watched the 3rd twilight movie to prepare ourselves for breaking dawn part 1 which we saw today. and then we went to bed.  and before i knew it i was hitting snooze blindly and desperately on my alarm.  but then my phone rang and i remembered that i was driving nikki and james and son to the airport and babysitting their car so i answered it.  it was them and they were here.   "were you sleeping?" asked nikki.  "no" i said not very convincingly.  technically i wasn't.  technically i was groggily hitting snooze over and over.  "i'll be right out." i promised.  that's when i noticed heather wasn't in bed.  she was out on the couch.  boy was she surprised when i turned on the light.

 she didn't come with us but she said hi.  spencer was crying and james was in the back seat.  "what did you do to the baby?" i asked as i climbed in the front seat.  their answer was waking him up at some ungodly hour.  they had tim bits for me.  we had some nice talks and soon we were at the aiport and i was hugging them goodbye.

i had to smoosh my face into the windshield to get into the car.  that's how close the seat was.  finding the lever to move the chair back was my first victory.  before we left my house i had asked them "this is not not a standard--uh an automatic is it?" in my usual clear and succinct manner.  nikki gave me a confused look and said "no." so then i looked at the gear shifter and it looked like none i had seen before.  like a standard wannabe and for a minute i was concerned.  i can't drive standard.  i mean karen taught me once when i was 18 but i haven't practiced much since then and that was over half a life ago.  but it wasn't a standard.  it was not not an automatic.  clearly.  so then i put it into what i thought was drive but for some reason i couldn't accellerate past 20 without the car revving past 5.  what is going on here, i thought.  i had to pull over a couple of times before i figured it out.  the gear shifty-wannabee-standard-thing needed to sidle over a bit. then everything was fine.

when i got home heather slept in my bed and i watched some tv and did some scrabble and whatnot.  by the time h got up i had an idea.  an idea worth doing.  "hey since i don't have any good breakfast food, how about we walk to mcdonad's for some mcgriddles and walk back!" i said with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head.  h was all for it so we did it and had a lovely late breakfast with foods that clog arteries just for fun. i was short 54 cents but h refused to help me.  because of this i could only have one hashbrown. why do these bad things happen to me while other people all over the world get 2 hashbrowns??

what exactly is a sugar plum?

we bought some treats at shoppers and this time my blood pressure was back down to optimal if i do say so myself.  we also looked in at a bed linnen place.  it smelt so horrible we could barely stand to be in there.  but one of the despereate sales women showed me an awesome pillow.  too bad it's 89 buckeroos.

the smell came from the starbucks next door.  it didnt' smell bad in the starbucks but it did smell bad in the linnens store.  that's just the way it is.  we got salted caramel hot chocolates for our walk home.

we went to the matinee of breaking dawn and then did some christmas outfit shopping at reitmans.  heather got  a nice flouncy red top and black shrug for her christmas party.  i wanted to look at pennington's for a white blouse but guess what--penningtons is gone!  rude.

heather wanted a donair for dinner and who am i to deny her?  i hadn't seen deva the last 3 or 4 times at the donair spot but he was there this time.  as heather says, his face lit up when he saw us (me).  we exchanged that we remembered each other's names and then he related to me that he picked the colour for the new sign and he asked me where i live and said they should have a donnair stop in richmond and i was all yes they should.  and then he told me that he is going to cullinary school and only working 2 days a week.  he said he's gained over 8kg since going to school because of all the butter.  and then he patted his stomach.  it was nice to see him again.

i drove us to my old apartment and we gorged on our donairs there and then drove to edition elle where we whisked in when they only had 5 minutes before closing.  which they told us twice.  but i found a white blouse super fast.  within 5 minutes even but the ladies were chatting and taking their time with their customers which is not my fault.  one of the ladies had a major whistle in her speech. she was the most unfriendly but that didn't stop me from being amused at her whistle speech.

after we got home heather packed up her stuff and headed for the squamish hills.  and that was my fun weekend.  today i wore my new blouse and my bethany scarf and one of my 4 grey sweaters.

i don't have anything else to say so i won't.


Beth-a-knee said…
lol. deva sounds deLIGHTful. Why do you always eat enviously delicous food?! My mouth waters when I read your posts.

did you like breaking dawn?
amyleigh said…
Sounds like a fun Christmassy weekend! mmm - gingerbreak cake. I hope it had cream cheese icing.

err..are you SURE it's a "bethany" scarf? Not an "amy" one?
Sarah-Lynn said…
It's true about the food. You always get to eat yummy things. You have the donair place close by whenever your little heart desires. hmph.
Laura said…
@ bethany--i liked it!
@ amy--i'm sure. she gave it to me my last birthday. not to say that i don't have some good amy scarves--like the delicate cream leaf one. remember that?
@sarah--well you have the yummy indian place so we're even.
Sarah-Lynn said…
speaking of which- we had indian tonight. weiwd.
Andrea said…
ah, good post, even better than good food!

(well, almost...)