i had toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches on sour dough bread for lunch today.  while holding the banana in my hand and slicing it lengthwise i got emotional over how cool sliced bananas look.  i think they're beautiful.  does this make me odd?  everything God created has a beauty a sublimeness to it.  even bananas and slugs and even you and me.

especially you and me.  next time you look in the mirror look yourself in the eyes and smile.  you'll see it.  instead of picking out your faults honour the beauty of who you are.  oh and be kind to slugs. they're cool.  just saying.


Sarah-Lynn said…
why did you have to through slugs into it? Especially in the same sentence as bananas, as if they are related. Nope.
Sarah-Lynn said…
I meant throw....
if you want people to be kind to slugs because they are God's creatures and have some sorta beauty, that means you must be kind to spiders too. And cockroaches. Earwigs. Just sayin.

Sometimes I have moments where something is so beautiful that it makes me a lil teary too.
Andrea said…
Amen, sister! Although it sounds hormonal to me. That's how I feel just before and/or the first couple of days. Kind of a transcendent time. sometimes I wish I could feel like that all the time...