well i was just taking off my mascara for once in my life and thinking about what i did today.  and i felt compelled to come back into the living room and jot it down.  get down witch yer bad seluf.

don't be disappointed.

1. wore my grey t-shirt that says happy birthday in light orange velvet letters.  it's a value villiage special.  no it is not my birthday.  guess what i'm not going to wear it on my birthday.  i don't need to tell myself happy birthday fool!  it's a message to the WORLD.

2. pancake breakfast, chicken enchilada casserole lunch and sushi dinner.  after dinner snack: sushi burps.

3. during the course of doing the dishes banged my arm harrrrrrrrrrrrd against a thin jutting metal sheet.  it felt like hitting your funny bone x5.  it felt like i severed my nerve.  it hurt and it hurt for a long time and there was no one around for me to tell about it.  so then i told everyone i saw after that and now i'm telling you.  i didn't cry.  i didn't actually say a word or make a noise but i made a lot of faces.

4. start. it. up.

5. bought an external hard drive for obvious reasons.

6. watched akeela and the spelling b and cried.  a lot.

7. i'm studying scriptures that have the word 'heart' in them.  and i am placing a <3 over the word 'heart' (no not a bum 3.)  going to go do that now.



Karey said…
haha sushi burps lol :)
sushi burps??! who do you think you are!

oh and the shirt sounds cute.