izzy is going through a stage where she likes to snuggle on my lap for hours on end.  i believe the technical term for this is "it's freezing in here.  turn the blankety bleep bleep heat on woman!"  but i like to call it "izzy totally loves me",  which also may be quite valid. who's to say.

i bought the cats a remote control mouse.  it's pretty funny.  it's not fast enough for archie who is on it like white on rice.  izzy is equal parts disturbed and confused.

today to keep myself from napping i tried a martha stewart craft. martha's mean.  she makes it seem like one could very easily replicate her results.  but in real life martha's crafts are mere mortal things--flawed and caked about with mud.  oh well.  it worked.  i didn't nap.

today i was earnestly working on wedding photos, lost in my editing world when the phone rang.  as soon as i heard yumi's voice i realized that i forgot to go to the primary pres. meeting.   oops. at least i didn't nap.  so i went and we planned our trunk or treat halloween night.  i need a costume.  i'm halloween disabled because i can't ever decide on what i should be.  then i'm nothing.

i need to go to bed and for once i will do what i need to do.


Beth-a-knee said…
You should be the cheshire cat. You are just creepy enough to make it work.
hehe--you should take a vid of your cats with the mouse and post it, I bet it's hilarious.
Sarah-Lynn said…
Yes, and take a picture of your craft while you're at it. I'm curious. I still think you should be goldilocks.
Laura said…
that's what YOU should be and kyle, adriel and sloan could be the bears.
katie said…
which one would be the mama bear? E is saying she is going to be goldilocks...
LeashyLoo said…
I think that you should be your namesake - Laura Ingalls Wilder.....I mean why not?