week 2

this is my shadow.  hi shadow.


i had a fun time walking around my neighbourhood doing things people don't normally do, like set up a tripod on hands and knees on the sidewalk and lay on an abandoned lawn to photograph some weeds.  if i were counting how many people have asked me if i'm ok since i started this e course, it would have to be the man on the bike, the woman from the blacony, the woman by her car and the couple on their bikes.  there could have been more.


Sarah-Lynn said…
Wow, those are gorgeous!! I want some put on canvas for my home!!! I love the heart shape in the cement. I think it takes something special to find the beauty in simple things that we are usually too busy to notice, and you got it sistah! I feel as if you've grown in leaps and bounds, and you were already good before. Ok so I just gushed a little. It was bubbling over, what can I say? Come and photograph my family PLEASE!!! We are so over due. I'll do you hair...Please?
Andrea said…
Wow, Laura! Stunning photos. I wish I could see you lying in the ditch though... You need a picture of that, too.
Beth-a-knee said…
I love the photos. The white-ish-purple rose is especially breathtaking. And that heart shape in the pavement. Cool!