
maybe i have a sleeping disorder.  i just cannot seem to get a handle on my sleeping issues.  i've gone off rhythm before but never for so long. rhythm is a word like gypsy--the only vowel is the 'sometimes y' vowel and therefore a good stumper for a vigorous game of hangman.

maybe i am a project hoarder.  i tuck away many projects for safekeeping.  for the future.  and that's where they stay--tucked away.

maybe i am tired of guys that are wrong.

maybe i'll have a nap before work.

some photos i took this week:

 i took these rain drop shots laying prostate in the wet grass beside the path to the dike.  after a while a woman called to me from her balcony, and asked if i was ok.  i looked up and behind me to see her and her son, looking quite concerned.  i said i was fine, just taking pics of rain drops and she seemed relieved.  'i know it looks weird.' i acknowledged.  'i thought you were passed out.' she admitted.


Karey said…
wow amazing rain drop pics.
Sarah-Lynn said…
Those are really cool pics of rain drops and an equally funny story to go with it. You should do you projects!!! They sound cool and fun. Set a date for yourself and just get started. It probably won't be as hard after that. Also, perhaps you do have a sleep disorder. No shame in it. Get in checked out.
Andrea said…
Maybe you do. But when I was awoken by your vigorous snores, they were not like Deans in which he chokes and stops breathing. You had a long steady breath - just a very loud one..haha. Not that I listened to you all night or anything.

Gorgeous raindrop photos!
katie said…
LOVE the raindrop photos!...i may have a sleep disorder too...
Lady of Light said…
Maybe you should go on the show Hoarders. I agree with Andrea's description of your snores. And I have listened to you all night long! Just saying. Also, drop the zeros and get wit the heroes.